of the Sustainable Townsville Project
(2001 to 2005)
historical information and documentation (only)
view of Sustainability
and ESD
(Ecologically Sustainable Development)

Initiative promotes
overall sustainability in the City and reports on existing historical
sustainability initiatives. Assists in development ESD (ecological
sustainability) capabilities.
originated in partnership with EPA (Sustainable Industries Division). |
Potential to
reduce city wide costs in provision of services and reduce Greenhouse
gas emissions and manage energy consumption. Ensures City is up
to date on sustainability issues and seeks to integrate all City
wide sustainability initiatives (energy, greenhouse gas, resource
efficiency, community partnership, greening and natural resources
management). Seeks to raise profile of Townsville as prototype
Sustainable City.
Funding from
Councils and Australian Government.
see Sustainable Townsville Ltd web site
provide link
Sustainability Initiatives & Proposals in City from
Audit 2002 funded by Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) and
Outline Council
greenhouse emissions. Fulfills part of CCP Milestone 1. Accepted
as Phase 1 of EPA Partnerships Program (Sustainable Townsville).
Funded by AGO
Greenhouse Challenge (2002) and EPA (Sustainable Townsville).
Strengthens the claim to any other funding applications relating
to greenhouse/energy.
Sustainable Townsville Investment
Initiative (STII) |
Proposed internal
mechanism for investing in efficiency projects.
Projects be
funded by business, industry and government.
A formal mechanism for advancing sustainability projects. Mechanism
by which to attract government funding.
Costs/funding Options for implementation include: no cost
to councils, budgeted contributions to specific projects and opportunities
for Australian Governmen/business funding.
proposals and initiatives for city engineering services and businesses.
Groups all historical engineering sustainability initiatives,
projects and proposals onto a single web site to demonstrate and
promote environmental initiatives of the business units and executive.
Costs/funding Historical projects and proposals funded in
partnership with many Council departments, state agencies, commercial
business/industry, and community.

Installation of sub- surface drippers
and monitoring/ auditing irrigated areas.
Reduced energy costs associated with pumping water; reduced
costs associated with purchasing and treating bulk water supply;
reduced complaints to water overspill on medians; more effective
management of a scarce natural resource; increased availability
of water for other industrial uses.
Costs/funding Potential to reduce costs to City for provision
of town water. Possible funding opportunities from National water/irrigation
organisations and Australian Government.
Proposal to
design and implement a paper efficiency project throughout council
offices. Relies on mini-projects developed in conjunction with
staff. Plus education of staff about economic and environmental
issues re paper. Builds on existing recycling initiative.
Benefits Potential cost savings. In period 2000-01 the then
city council consumed 10,104 reams of white A4 Xerox copy paper.
At ~$7 each = ~$70,000 per annum (2002)
Costs/funding A 25% reduction in paper use would have equalled
savings of ~$17,500 per annum.
Potential project
costs ~$5,000 (2002)
Funding source:
yet to be determined. |
pool energy audit |
Undertaken energy
audits on the three pools and a representative sample of 10 public
toilets administered by City to seek energy efficiency initiatives. |
Benefits Identified water wastage issues in public toilets,
plus tariff issues at Kokoda pool. Identified potential for cost
Grid connect small scale wind power
(note - 2011 Cyclone Yasi destroyed)
to interconnect small vertical axis or horizontal axis wind turbines
to the mains grid.
See link to
EPA Fact Sheets (.pdf
Wind Power in Queensland
Connect Renewable Energy
In 2003 Townsville
Council installed Australia's first grid connected, vertical axis,
wind turbine on the Strand.
Visit at:
This wind power
project is a demonstration of renewable energy in a public place
and supports education (especially schools)
and tourism. |
Benefits Opportunity for Townsville to show innovation
in urban renewable energy.
Costs/funding Various proposals for Wind Turbines.

Property Dept Management Energy
In 2001 various
property initiatives were under discussion. May include implementation
of energy audit undertaken on Dalrymple Rd Depot in 2001.
In 2001 many energy saving initiatives were under consideration.
Re Dalrymple Depot, potential for reduced energy costs to council
by $9300 under consideration for implementation. Reduce greenhouse
emissions by 86.4 tons per annum.
Dalrymple Depot project at no cost to council, funded by
Sustainable Townsville. Other projects require consideration for
funding or may funded under STII (which would subsequently involve
no further cost due to savings and payback period).
to reduce expenditure on electricity bills and provide significant
greenhouse gas reduction.
City parks project to utilise regionally
appropriate grass types and reduce water use
Trial with
CSIRO to determine most appropriate grasses for Townsville climate
and soils.
Identification of more appropriate grass types will allow for
reduced water consumption while maintaining a lush green parks.
Developed in Conjunction with CSIRO |
City water utility Methane Capture
Bay STP biogas plant |
Water Utility,
in conjunction with Stanwell
Corp and Ergon Energy has installed methane burning generators
at Mt. St John and Cleveland
bay STPs.
Benefits Creates a profit center from what was previously
a waste (water utility sells the methane to Stanwell).
Small economic return to Council from selling methane to Stanwell.
Project financed by Stanwell.
Major Greenhouse
abatement benefit which can be promoted by Council
Energy Audit Clearinghouse
Many previous energy audits undertaken
for by Councils in region collated data.
Benefits Provides a reference for energy projects.
No cost to City Councils. Potential to be funded through variety
of mechanisms including the Sustainable Townsville Ltd Fund and
Low Carbon Australia initiatives.
Toyota Prius (petrol/electric hybrid
car) and smal diesel purchases

Toyota Prius |
TCC and CoT
purchased Toyota Prius or Honda Civic hybrids for fleet cars in
order to promote sustainable transport options in Townsville and
demonstrate hybrid car technology, pollution abatement, and greenhouse
gas reduction.
Benefits Demonstrations showed the cost/benefits of hybrid
cars and small energy efficient cars and light diesels. Both Councils
demonstrated leadership in Local Government in Queensland. Reduce
fuel consumption. Opportunity to promote the sustainable vehicles
environmental & sustainability events.
First petrol electric hybrid vehicle was funded by the then EPA
Sustainable Townsville Program.
In 2003-04
a number of biodiesel trials were undertaken to test commercial
viability in Townsville.
Benefits A trial conversion of vehicle fleet to biodiesel could
off-set City greenhouse emissions by 2950 tons. Significant health
benefits to Townsville residents for B20: 90% reduction in carcinogenic
air pollutants from Council diesel powered vehicles.
Small difference in price of biodiesel v. normal diesel anticipated
(maybe 10c/litre). Significant health benefits from use of the
fuel. |

and Thuringowa city programs to develop and promote a network
of on-road and off-road bikeways throughout Townsville, linking
suburbs to the CBD and recreational areas (eg. Ross River Parkway
and Upper Ross bike and pedestrian network).
kms are already built: University / Riverside Gardens/Cranbrook
and Upper Ross from Riverway.
Promotes Townsville as a liveable, healthy and clean-green City.
Promotes opportunity for healthy physical and recreational activities
for Townsville residents. Assists to reduce traffic congestion
by promoting alternative transport. Assists to reduce greenhouse
Council budgets of the time.
Joint projects
between many different organisational staff in Townsville and
Queensland Transport with support Sustainable Townsville Program.
Includes car
pooling, bus transport. Travelsmart coordinator will conduct training
and assessment for project in respective organisations.
Benefits Assists to reduce costs to organisations for provision of parking
spaces. Demonstrates cities interest in sustainable transportation.
Assists to reduce vehicular pollution and greenhouse emissions.
Jointly funded organisations and Queensland Transport
Trees for Fleet |
Tree and shrub
planting offsets the greenhouse emissions associated with Fleet
fuel consumption.
planting across cities of at least 12,000 trees per annum and
accounting for third of each Council’s vehicle emissions.
to expand in the future to foster further offsets
Benefits Demonstrates city is active in addressing greenhouse
Assists community
and organisations to develop capacity in managing greenhouse emissions.
= 17 trees per car per annum to cover greenhouse emissions of
standard car
Existing tree plantings and various Council and Landcare tree
planting programs
Council kerbside recycling Program |
and Thuringowa Councils contracted Visy to operate a MERF (until
2009) to ensure greater efficiency in use of recyclable wastes.
Benefits Reduced waste to landfill. Increased lifespan of landfills.
Generates jobs from what was once a waste.
Paid for by both Councils of the time. Increases lifespan of Landfills
and provides a reduction Greenhouse gas.
capture from Landfills
Proposed projects
to capture methane from Landfills. Landfill consultants and contractors
have been investigating all Townsville regional landfills for
Councils waste services departments.
Benefits Opportunity for community to reduce our collective
greenhouse emissions.
to citywide recycling and greenwaste programs.
in road works - Construction Waste
Project seeks
to identify alternative waste management opportunities for road
construction wastes. A number of initiatives undertaken to date.
Investigations continue. |
Benefits Opportunity
to reduce environmental and economic cost associated with dealing
with road construction waste. Promotes council in natural resource
Works departments and Transport authorities
Creek gross pollutant trap |
Numerous projects
that improve urban stormwater quality and waterway management
in tropics.
Benefits Demonstrates Councils as innovators in sustainable
management of wetlands & water quality. Develops technology
specific to Townsville climate.
Funded by Council, NHT Clean Seas and Urban Stormwater Initiative.
Project coordinated by environmental team of time and road works
Project initiated
highly successful wateway monitoring by local community groups
(Creekwatch/drainwatch) in partnership with Conservation Volunteers
Australia - CVA.

Water Utility hydrological Cycle
Water purification
projects that allow for water reuse. Plus use of innovative modern
technology for water purification (eg. Reverse osmosis).
Benefits Develops technical capabilities of council
in water management. Ensures council meets EPA obligations and
provides top quality service to ratepayers.
Reduce costs to council in provision of town water and waste water
treatment. |
Environmental Management & Sustainability Program |
Coucil IEMS
Officers coordinating and implementing a Council wide Environmental
Management System and training for EM and Sustainability. Includes
Coordination, Monitoring & Reporting.
Benefits Serves as
the framework for monitoring or administering any formal sustainability
structure within council.
An existing TCC & CoT program.
Clean and Green Initiatives (2001-2005)
Council projects
promoting Townsville as a city with a healthy environment, and
- Greening Townsville;
- Sustainable Townsville;
- State of Environment
- Fishwatch Committee &
- Healthy Cities Plan.
Benefits Demonstrates heavy industry can coexist
with a Clean unpolluted city. Highlights Townsville the clean
green city.
Council funded initiative. |
Townsville State of Environment
Report |
TCC report integrating State of Environment Reporting format with
modern user friendly communications technology: the Internet.
Benefits Demonstrates Councils commitment
to environmental management; sustainability and community partnership
to the world through the world wide web.
- Based on OECD and Environment Australia Environmental Reporting
Framework (Pressure-Condition-Response across environmental/sustainability
- Creates a scientific and community baseline of environmental performance
(Status of Environment)
- Also promotes colours and textures of the dry tropics to the world.
Produced by Council. Banksia Finalist 2003 (premier national environment
awards in Australia). |
Health Services (EHS) 2005 initiative plan being developed by
Councils with assistance from Griffith University and community
identifying holistic health issues for Townsville. Identifies
excellent social linkages with environment
Benefits Ensures gaps in provision of health
services are identified. Demonstrates link between human/environmental
and ecological health of the City.
Developed by Council (EHS). |
Environmental Conservation Strategy
for Townsville & RIKES Reports (1988-1993)
Council reports and community strategies outlining initiatives
to promote environmental conservation in Townsville.
today for tomorrow report
Benefits Illustrates important areas for Council
consideration to promote Environmental conservation in Council
and in the City.
Remains a benchmark
reference identifying Councils drive to sustainability in
the community
Developed by Council |

Register of natural assets in Towsville Local Government Area.
This includes botanical, zoological, natural heritage and aesthetic
Benefits Forms
a pillar of Sustainability along with SOE; Health Cities; Vibrant
Sustainable Communities; Townsville-Thuringowa a Liveable Community.
Integrating social with ecological
sustainability |
Joint projects
to build on social capacity into environmental projects with Community.
- Project “Sustain”
- Project “Respect”
is an initiative of Working On It company.
is to further develop links to incorporate social dimension into
Environmental & Community Sustainability and cross link to
three other TCC Clean & Green Sustainability Programs: Healthy
Cities; Sustainable Townsville; and Townsville SOE. |
Benefits Assists councils and community to strengthen social
capital within Townsville.
community based commitment to social aspects of sustainability.
and reinforces existing social and environmental projects already
Tied in with existing projects of the period of time:
- Sustainable Townsville
- Healthy Cities Plan, &
- Vibrant Communities
Sustainability Education, Awareness & Promotional Activities
- dated 2001-05
Raising awareness of urban developments
utilising sustainable preferred development solutions. For example
Nobby Head Picnic Bay, Magnetic Island.
Sustainable Townsville Program promotion) |
Benefits Assists the urban development and commercial building
industry to promote sustainability in new subdivisions and commercial
developments one of Australia's key greenhouse emission
Costs/funding Funded by Councils with in-kind case studies
provided by urban development industry.

Townsvilles and Thuringowas annual celebrations of World
Environment day, week events include:
- Ecofiesta
- Community
Meet & Greet ... to celebrate their environmental volunteerism
- Riverway Environmental Expo
Benefits Public education on sustainability issues, showcasing
local community groups. Demonstrations of green technology. Announcement
of City Environmental Awards.
Costs/funding Funded by Councils and supported by NGOs.
Ecofiesta Waste Audit and EcoSpeakers |
audit undertaken of Ecofiesta 2002 and 2003. In 2002, speakers
were bought in to discuss greenhouse/ energy efficiency.
Benefits Determines options for sustainable waste
management at Ecofiesta and in other council sponsored events.
Costs/funding Funded by Community Services.
Community Natural Resources Management
plans (2002)
by Local Landcare groups, plans consider whole catchment whole
of community Natural Resource Management.
Includes Council
partnerships and support to Haughton River Catchment Planning
Benefits Assists in the conservation & sustainable
community planning of Townsville. Ensures long term sustainable
development of the regions Natural resources.
Developed with NHT funding. Supported by Councils (TCC &
waste education programs and initiatives that improve knowledge
of waste management in Townsville
Benefits Promotes waste management to Townsville
ratepayers. Assists in reduced waste to landfill. Assists in deferring
costs to council in relation to landfill. WALOR, LAWMAC Bus, Dont
Waste Townsville.
Costs/funding Some initiatives funded by Councils (WALOR
at schools EMS sustainability initiative), LAWMAC bus funded
by industry, other initiatives undertaken by Council under contract
by VISY.
to city managers detailing history, science, politics, projected
effects and solutions of global warming.
Benefits Generates understanding about the political and
economic threats and opportunities associated with the global
warming debate. Place energy management in in a broader context.
Costs/funding Funded through Sustainable Townsville. |
to TCC staff (Parks) |
were made to council staff and managers about contemporary sustainability
issues. Presented in 2001 to 25 staff of Financial Services, and
8 staff of Parks Services, 6 staff from Planning) |
Benefits Informed Council staff and managers of global sustainability
issues and identifies how these can be tackled at the local level.
Part of Sustainable Townsville initiative and enlists their support
for the projects.
Costs/funding Funded via Sustainable Townsville (EPA of
EPA Sustainable
Industries (historical program 2001-2005)
EPA Sustainable
case study TCC
Environmental Sustainability (.pdf
Brochure on
TCC Energy efficiency, sustainability and renewable energy initiatives. |
Benefits Highlights initiatives undertaken by
TCC and Townsville community to promote energy efficiency.
Costs/funding Funded by EPA Sustainable Industries |
Townsville website |
a hyperlink from the Townsville SOE website - Opens a page (this
page) from which the Sustainable Townsville program can be viewed.
Benefits Public access to the community based Sustainable
Townsville program. Sustainable Townsville website will community,
school students, business and government access to information
about Sustainability and the projects initiated in Townsville.
Costs/funding Funded by Sustainable Townsville and supporters.
of Ciy Councils in Queensland and Townsville to promote sustainable
houses with developers and construction in the community and via
codes in the City town plans.
Benefits Assists councils and communities to promote sustainability
via the building industry one of Australia's greenhouse
emission sectors.
Costs/funding Government and industry funded projects.
High School Sustainability Programs |
Numerous projects by schools and
government that promote environmental conservation and other sustainability
initiatives in schools.
Benefits Ensures Townsville children develop
a better understanding and awareness of environment issues and
Costs/funding Some initiatives funded via Councils and schools,
funding from industry/business sponsorship (eg. Delfin/BHP Billiton).
Renewable energy education |
Acquaint government
officers and community with the opportunities and benefits associated
with modern grid interactive solar power systems and vertical
access wind turbines (i.e. Property staff, Town Planners and building
certification officers).
Benefits Reduced Greenhouse emissions. Lower
energy costs for homes, Council buildings and business/industry.
Promote local
industry and create jobs. Stimulate local renewable energy industry.
Costs/funding Promotion funded by Sustainable Townsville
project (EMS)
Promote with
free consultation from Battery World |
(TCC & CoT) community coordinated habitat restoration projects
often in partnership.
Both Councils
provided annual funding for Landcare & Catchment Centre.
Benefits Promotes integration in the community by involving
many different groups. Demonstrates cities commitment to biodiversity
conservation and provides opportunities to promote sustainability
in the community.
Part funded by Councils and via Commonwealth grants.
council project promoting shade trees in open space, public areas,
bushland & roads Townsville. Promotes use of local native
flora in landscaping along with high profile and attractive exotics
(eg. Raintrees).
Includes community
revegetation projects supported by Council (EMS) |
Benefits Makes Townsville a more liveable city.
Improves aesthetics of City. Shades roads and paved areas cooling
the City.
TCC and CoT councils funded community greening projects.
Vibrant & Sustainable Communities (Framework) |
based council services support provided to development of a community
sustainability framework (for progressing & measuring community
wellbeing) for Local Government Community Services Association
Australia Inc.
Plus DLG conference
in July, 2003 in Townsville. |
Benefits Demonstrates a cities commitment to social sustainability,
and developing social capital.
of a Framework for Progressing & Measuring Community Wellbeing
which focuses on social aspects and includes economic and environmental
management considerations (under Local Agenda 21 and Natural Step
Link to Just & Vibrant Communities Conference |
Other Sustainability Initiatives in Townsville - Dated
Research and Educational Facilities |
has many world class educational and research facilities (JCU/AIMS/CRC
REEF/CRC Savannas/ATCFR). |
Benefits Any sustainability research or development
projects can be supported by the intellectual resources latent
in the research and education facilities.
Much federal funding comes to Townsville to support these research
institutions. |
TPA wind project |
Port "the vision" |
Proposed infrastructure
development project involving construction of 2 8 wind
turbines on the TPA reclaimed land. Requires community support
to ensure financial sustainability of project.
study indicates project can work once the final hurdles are cleared. |
Benefits Should project proceed, the MM70 turbines
would make a powerful icon for Townsvilles potential as
Prototype Sustainable City.
Also has value
adding potential to sustainable tourism in opportunities in Townsville
note Windy Hill (Ravenshoe) receives 600 vehicle visitors
per weekend
Requires exploration of funding from Commonwealth for energy projects
(ie. AGO)
Potential for
Townsville to host the most powerful wind turbines in Australia.
Excellent opportunity to badge Townsville as Sustainable City.
Govt (Treasury) support was necessary to bring the project to
Alternative waste water technology |
Various waste
water treatment technologies can be found in Townsville including
some locally developed technology (Gough Plastics). |
Benefits Resources are on hand to develop non
sewer wastewater systems and to integrate these into urban development
Council assisted in the development of one system, the Hybrid
toilet. Other firms such as VRM are based locally. Other systems
are installed by local tradesmen. |
Solar hot water commercialisation |
Local firm (Gough
Plastics) has developed a unique solar hot water system. That is
due to be release to the market by end 2003. |
Benefits Demonstrates Townsville as a leader
in development of innovative renewable energy technology.
Developed through
a $1,000,000 grant from Australian Greenhouse Office. |
Visioning for Sustainable Urban
Development |
Initial design
work undertaken on a sustainable urban development at Fairfield
Waters estate by C&B Group Consultants. |
Benefits Demonstrates that sustainable urban
design is possible in Townsville using off the shelf technology
and local expertise.
Project was financed by C&B Group. If project had proceeded,
may have offered an alternative model of urban development for
City with potential to reduce costs to Council for providing
Provides planning
demonstration for future sustainable urban development projects |
High School Renewable Energy Technology |
High School has developed an innovative hybrid renewable energy
project that compares two different types of solar panels and
a wind turbine.
Benefits Provides a baseline for hybrid renewable
energy systems. Demonstrates Townsville as a leader in innovation
and sustainable energy. Promotes the development of urban renewable
energy systems.
Sponsorship gained from local businesses. Developed as a schools
educative project. |
Nickel Refinery sustainability projects |
Nickel Refinery of period 2003-05 undertook a variety of sustainability
projects involving water and energy efficiency, public education,
atmospheric science.
Benefits Demonstrated sustainability initiatives associated
with large mineral processing plants.
Demonstrates best practice in some areas of the metals processing
industry. |
EPA Sustainable Communities (2001-2005) |
initiative to deliver a Sustainable Communities program (Townsville-Thuringowa
a Liveable Community)
liaison and involvement with city administrators and managers
plus a number of other Townsville organisations.
Benefits Networking with business and industry
on Sustainable Townsville projects
Program develops
clear picture of community aspirations on Sustainability. Assists
in development of action plans.
Funding made available by EPA Sustainable Industries for Milestones
1 and 2. Further funding may be available subject to the success
of the project.
Links to Sustainable
Townsville; SOE & Healthy Cities Plan
Wetlands Grasslands Foundation for
the Cromarty. |
In conjunction
with Texas University, a foundation is established to ensure the
long term ecological health and investigation of sustainability
of wetlands and development opportunities (proposed for Cromarty
Wetlands a Wetland of National Importance). |
Benefits An internationally recognised wetland
becomes protected, offers sustainable tourism opportunities and
contributes internationally to Townsvilles Clean and Green
Funded available
from Commonwealth Natural Heritage Trust and conditional on complimentary
funding from Queensland Government |
State Development Net Gain
for Sustainability |
Development in conjunction with US Professor use the Net Gain
process on the proposed Port Access road. |
Benefits Illustrates an innovative mechanism
to ensure sustainable outcomes of development projects.
Possibility to assist ensuring development proposal meet triple
bottom line benefits. |