Sustainability Initiatives of Townsville City Council Engineering Services
(with Project Partners Environmental Management Services and Parks Services)
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Engineering Services Executive Unit

Engineering Executive Unit of Council is the head of all TCC Engineering Services Business Units and provides strategic engineering management and planning advice within Council and externally to government agencies and community.

Director of Engineering Services is responsible for overall Engineering Sustainability Initiatives in Council and has recently commenced a specific internal sustainability project with Council staff and Queensland Transport:

see below

Executive Unit - Travelsmart Program

Project: Joint project between Engineering Services and Queensland Transport to encourage Council staff to consider car pooling, bus transport, and bicycles (see bikeways). Travelsmart coordinator will conduct training and assessment for project in Council.

Benefits to Council: Assists to reduce costs to Council in provision of parking spaces. Demonstrates Council’s interest in sustainable transportation. Assists to reduce the continual growth in vehicular pollution and greenhouse emissions.

Cost/Funding: Jointly funded TCC and Queensland Transport with support of Environmental Management Services (IEMS).
