- Urban Stormwater Quality Management Plan Project:
The Urban
Stormwater Quality Management Plan (USQMP) has been adopted by Council and
currently being implemented by both Citiworks in partnership with TCC Environmental
Management Services (EMS). The initiative includes: onground Stormwater
quality management projects (ie. construction of gross pollutant traps and
wetlands); Management & maintenance of waterways-drains; Scientific monitoring
and investigations; and Community
education - a vital component of the plan (eg. Louisa Creekwatch/Catchment
Tours). "Healthy
Waterways - Townsville" Benefits
to Council: Reduction in pollutants entering waterways. Improved community
responsibility towards urban stormwater quality, and waterway management. Links
to to Citiwater ""Watersmart - Rainfall to Outfall" program
and forms part of the Total Water Cycle Management approach. Costs/Funding:
The Stormwater Quality Construction Projects are funded jointly by TCC and
the Commonwealth (Natural Heritage Trust). The education program is presently
funded by Citiworks/EMS with under consideration by Citiwater. Citiworks receives
Council funding for the USQMP implementation and in partnership with EMS applies
for external funding support.   