Sustainability Initiatives of Townsville City Council Engineering Services
(with Project Partners Environmental Management Services and Parks Services)
Home Citiworks Citiwater Fleet Services Executive 

Sustainability Initiatives in Fleet Services
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  • Petrol-Electric Hybrid Trial (Prius)
  • Biodiesel Trial
  • Trees for Fleet
Fleet Services - Toyota Prius

Project: TCC has purchased a Toyota Prius for EMS fleet car in order to promote sustainable transport options in Townsville and demonstrate hybrid car technology, pollution abatement, and greenhouse gas reduction.

Benefits to Council: Demonstrates to Fleet Management the cost/benefits of hybrid cars. Demonstrate leadership in Local Government in Queensland. Reduce fuel consumption (50%). Opportunity to promote the Prius at Council environmental & sustainability events.

Cost/Funding: Funded by Sustainable Townsville Program at no additional cost to Council. Price difference between Prius and normal fleet car paid by Sustainable Townsville.

Fleet Services - Biodiesel Trial

Project: TCC Fleet will trial biodiesel in some of its vehicles when the fuel becomes commercially available in Townsville.

Benefits Council: Conversion of TCC vehicle fleet to biodiesel would offset City greenhouse emissions by about 2,950 tons. Significant health benefits to TCC residents: 90% reduction in carcinogenic air pollutants from Council diesel powered vehicles.

Cost/Funding: Small difference in price of biodiesel v. normal diesel anticipated (maybe 10c/litre).

Fleet Services - Trees for Fleet

Project: Council tree planting to offset greenhouse emissions from TCC Fleet through carbon sequestration. Initial calculations suggest that Council needs to plant 8,500 trees per annum to offset the emissions of Council’s vehicle fleet.

Benefits to Council: Reduces TCC net greenhouse emissions. Demonstrates simple solution to greenhouse emissions. Develops corporate knowledge of greenhouse sequestration and carbon accounting.

see also Greening Townsville.

Cost Funding: Funded through TCC Environmental Management Services (EMS) and Parks Services.

Executive Unit - Travelsmart Program

Project: Joint project between Engineering Services and Queensland Transport to encourage Council staff to consider car pooling, bus transport, and bicycles (see bikeways). Travelsmart coordinator will conduct training and assessment for project in Council.

Benefits to Council: Assists to reduce costs to Council in provision of parking spaces. Demonstrates Council’s interest in sustainable transportation. Assists to reduce the continual growth in vehicular pollution and greenhouse emissions.

Cost/Funding: Jointly funded TCC and Queensland Transport with support of Environmental Management Services (IEMS).