
Excellence in action
The Finalists for the Banksia Environmental
Awards 2003 have been announced.
Please select from a category below to
see the finalists
Category 1
– Environmental Leadership In The Community
Category 2
– Business Environmental Responsibility & Leadership
Category 3
– Government Leading By Example For A Sustainable Future
Category 4
– Environmental Leadership in the Rural Sector
Category 5
– Sustainable Development Leadership in the Minerals Industry
Category 6
– Environmental Leadership in Protecting Bush, Land & Waterways
Category 7
– Leadership in Protecting Coastal & Marine Environments
Category 8
– Environmental Leadership in Infrastructure & Services
Category 9
– Leadership in Sustainable Product Design
Category 10
– Leadership in Sustainable Buildings
Category 11
– Leadership in Socially Responsible Investment
Category 12
– Environmental Leadership in Communications
Prime Minister’s
Environmentalist of the Year Award
Category 1 – Environmental Leadership
In The Community
Awarded to an individual or community group that has demonstrated
leadership, commitment and excellence in protecting or enhancing
the Australian environment.
A Journey of Belief – Making
ICM Work – Pat Hart
Pats qualifications for Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) are
community leadership, commitment to the environment. Pat’s environmental
leadership includes 4 years on local government, 6 years on the
Board of the Swan River Trust, 4 Chairing the Swan Catchment Council,
8 Chairing Catchment Coordinating Group and 1 Swan Avon Integration
Catchment Management group. Pat has demonstrated how an individual
can make a difference. She has almost single-handedly nurtured and
guided the creation of a metropolitan Natural Resource Management
industry. Her involvement extends from the smallest community catchment
group to the Swan River Trust Board. Pat’s journey involved gaining
the commitment of local and State Government, involving industry
and inclusion of community.
Alex Campbell
Alex Campbell has been instrumental in guiding public policy for
salinity management and natural resource management at a national
and state level for over fifteen years. Since he began farming in
1963 he has seen the importance of using sustainable practices across
the cleared land, water resources and bush areas. Alex is a committed
environmentalist with a realist base. He has strong beliefs in the
possibilities of combining economic drivers with sound environmental
management, and the importance of involving all levels of government
and the community in the development of policies and strategies
that will achieve this aim. Alex Campbell has made a difference
nationally by tirelessly fostering, indeed inspiring, the essential
collaboration of communities, industries and government working
together towards a better environment for future generations of
Beenup Interactive Community
Through the commitment of its members over a 14 year period the
Beenup Consultative Group has been actively engaged in the operation,
closure and more recently, the rehabilitation of the BHP Billiton
Beenup Mineral Sands Mine site in south western Australia. Representing
all sectors of the Augusta-Margaret River community, this strong
and unique group has also been a communication conduit between the
community and BHP Billiton. The Group has been forward thinking,
honest and resolute in addressing a range of diverse environmental
challenges. Their vision is being realized as a functioning, self-sustaining
ecosystem containing rare flora species and is being created as
a legacy for future generations.
Birds Australia Gluepot Reserve
Gluepot Reserve is Australia’s largest community owned and managed
conservation reserve. Situated 64 km from the River Murray in South
Australia’s Riverland, the reserve is managed and operated entirely
by volunteers. Some 54,000 ha in size, it is part of the largest
block of intact mallee left in Australia and is home to 17 nationally
threatened species of birds. There are few areas in the world that
support such a concentration of threatened species. By combining
the three elements of: biodiversity conservation, enhancement and
management; scientific research and monitoring and sustainable ecotourism,
Gluepot has taken conservation management into a new era, by providing
an international model to show that sustainable multi-use of the
landscape is both feasible and desirable.
Denmark Greening Plan – Denmark
Environmental Centre
The Denmark Greening Plan is one of the most ambitious community
environment projects undertaken in WA. Over three years we collated
a digitised database providing a comprehensive map of Denmark Shire’s
vegetation types, land uses, and other information relevant for
effective and efficient management of the Shire’s natural environment.
The Denmark Greening Plan provides the basis for more autonomous
regional planning and the overview gained has generated new conservation
goals. Denmark Shire is within one of the most biologically diverse
regions in the world. This project grew from a grass roots passion
to care for this exceptional environment.

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Category 2 –
Business Environmental Responsibility & Leadership
Awarded to a business or government business enterprise that has
demonstrated leadership, commitment and excellence in protecting
Australia’s environment and contributing to a sustainable future.
Atlas Dry Cleaners
Atlas Dry Cleaners is a family business operating in East &
West Perth for over 35 years. In 1997, the directors decided to
turn Atlas into a market leader by re-developing the East Perth
factory site. The factory was totally re-fitted with a strong emphasis
on cleaner production, energy efficiency and waste minimisation.
Thus resulting in waste reduction by seventy per cent and annual
running costs by $8000. Senior staff members participated in the
inaugural Cleaner Production club for Dry Cleaners facilitated by
the Centre for Excellence at Curtin University. A code of practice
was developed and implemented, making the working environment one
of the safest in Perth. Personalised valet bags have also been introduced
to reduce the use of plastic and support the environment. A wastewater
re-use project is about to be implemented with anticipated 80 percent
savings in water usage and cost savings in dollar terms of $7000
per annum.
Collex – Exploration to Restoration
Since its inception in 1969, Collex has progressed from a small
organization simply collecting garbage to a large, fully integrated
environmental services provider with strong links throughout Australia
and overseas. Through Project Antarctica, Collex developed a program
which binds the eight strands of its Sustainable Development policy
and set a benchmark for working in partnership with stakeholders
to promote an innovative, workable and sustainable solutions for
restoring the ecology of Antarctica. In addition, Collex takes a
leadership position in promoting sustainable development by a series
of sponsorships throughout the community and environment management
St John of God Health Care Subiaco
St John of God Health Care Subiaco has recently introduced an Environmental
Management System, which through caregiver participation, has succeeded
in reducing energy, water and waste costs, and as a result, has
helped preserve the environment. St John of God Health Care Subiaco
is the first health care organisation to become a signatory to the
WA Cleaner Production Statement, is a signatory to the Greenhouse
Challenge, and proud to be awarded joint winner of the WA Environment
Award 2002 by the Minister for the Environment and Heritage – the
Hon Dr Judy Edwards. It is an exemplary case study of innovative
and sustained organisational change.
Sydney Royal Easter Show – Royal
Agricultural Society of NSW
The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW was established in 1822 to
pursue excellence in sustainable agriculture. The Sydney Royal Easter
Show at Sydney Showground is the largest event in the Southern Hemisphere
and attracts 1 million visitors. The Olympic environmental success
and the RESOURCE NSE “Waste Wise Events” strategy inspire Showground
events. Show waste diverted from landfill averages > 89%, peaking
at 95% during 2000. Consistency has been achieved in partnership
with specialist event cleaning contractors and packaging suppliers.
The NSW EPA celebrates the 2002 and 2003 Royal Easter Shows as “Green
Events.” Our commitment to the environment is setting new standards
by our extensive Educational Programmes, reaching 20,000 students
in 2002.
Toyota Motor Corporation Australia
Reading the signs ….and taking action. Toyota recognises the need
to balance the environmental issues raised by the automobile with
society’s demand for efficient, cost effective and enjoyable mobility.
Toyota has endeavoured to take the lead on environmental issues
and we are implementing best practice innovations throughout the
vehicle lifecycle. Toyota has very strong senior leadership commitment
and specific environmental objectives for each business division.
The key project Environmental Affairs and the Sustainability Committee
ensure the integration of sustainability at all levels of the organization.
Some examples of Toyota’s leading edge initiatives include: introduction
of Prius hybrid vehicle, $350 million investment in the new Camry,
water based cartridge painting process, supply chain innovation,
and pro-active involvement with community.
VicSuper Contributing to a Sustainable
VicSuper Pty Ltd (VicSuper) is leading the superannuation industry
in protecting Australia’s environment and contributing to a sustainable
future. In an industry not traditionally concerned with reducing
its environmental impact and acting in a socially responsible manner,
VicSuper’s proven commitment to sustainability truly demonstrates
its leadership position. Examples of VicSuper’s commitment to the
environment and sustainability can be seen: On the Ground: VicSuper
has made sustainability its central operating principle; Integration
of sustainability into general operations including recycling, purchasing,
staff sustainability committee; Staff sustainability training, education,
development and performance review. Through its investments: Sustainability
Investment Option; World-leading 10% of all listed equities invested
in Sustainability Leaders; Incorporation of environmental and sustainability
improvements into properties in the Direct Property Investment Fund.
Through participation and membership in a variety of working groups:
United Nations Environment Programme – signatory to the Finance
Initiative and member of the Australasian Advisory Committee on
Operational Management and Reporting; Working with the Victorian
Environmental Protection Authority to establish the world’s first
Sustainability Covenant.
Visy Industries
Visy Industries has pioneered the notion of environmentally friendly
manufacturing in Australia. The business is unique, in that it combines
the collection and re-use of enormous volumes of recyclable materials
with a powerful commercial business-all framed by the principles
of sustainability and environmental best practice. Visy remains
at the forefront of both manufacturing and recycling technology
and is arguably Australia’s pre-eminent example of a business that
successfully integrates environmental and sustainable considerations
into every facet of its operations. The business has consistently
led the Australian – and global – packaging industries in setting
new performance benchmarks, developing new techniques and developing
industry-wide standards for environmental and sustainable considerations
– from both operational and reporting perspectives.

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Category 3 – Government Leading
By Example For A Sustainable Future
Awarded to a government organisation for leadership, commitment
and excellence in protecting Australia’s environment and the sustainable
management of the environment or natural resources.
Beyond The Norm & A New Standard
(Townsville State of Environment) – Townsville City Council
Townsville City Council over the past 15 years has developed and
implemented a range of innovative programs and policies based on
ESD principles often in partnership with schools, Landcare and industry
designed to protect Townsville’s nationally significant environmental
areas (eg World Heritage Great Barrier Reef). Townsville’s newly
released State of Environment Report brings together all aspects
of these initiatives and programs, reporting on the environment
in accordance with the Commonwealth’s SOE (pressure:condition:response)
Model; Themes; and Core Environmental Indicators 2000 and provides
the opportunity for involvement. The SOE report incorporates technological
advances in document management, presentation, and environmental
promotion, which go beyond normal practice and set new environmental
management standards.
City of Fremantle
The City of Fremantle is committed to preserving, caring for and
improving total environment. In so doing, we are mindful of the
need to incorporate sustainability principles into all our activities,
to take account of not only the needs of current but also future
generations and to work with other organizations to preserve precious
and limited resources to achieve the vision for Fremantle. The City
of Fremantle as a local government authority, is well placed to
lead responsible environmental management, working closely with
Fremantle’s environmentally aware community in such forum as the
Precinct System, the only such system in WA. It is not possible
to fully detail all the City’s initiatives in the area of conservation
and environmental management. The City is particularly proud of
Living Smart, Shed Your Car Day and the creation of Booyeembara
Park being just three of a long list of Council’s achievements.
The City of Fremantle has a plan to progress sustainability that
is built on incorporating sustainability principles into our decision-making
and operational processes. It is this incorporation of sustainability
into all of our activities that is testimony of our ‘Government
Leading by Example’.
Hume City Council Environment
Hume City Council has recently developed a Framework and Implementation
Plan to address the issue of Sustainability within the local community
and Council operations. A key feature of the framework and plan
is a commitment by Council to undertake annual State of the Environment
(SoE) Reporting, to provide information and feedback to the community
on environmental issues and progress.
Solar in Schools – Sustainable
Energy Development Authority
Solar In Schools brings clean energy to schools in NSW. Each school
receives their own solar power system, and teaching resources that
reinforce the relationship between energy and the environment. More
than 20000 school children in 43 NSW Solar Schools are now learning
about renewable energy, energy efficiency and global warming in
a way that is fun, easy and hands-on. Think Global, Act Local –
Solar in Schools provides a local solution to the global problem
of climate change in a way that benefits the community and local
businesses. Leadership – Students in Solar Schools lead the community
by example by encouraging the sustainable production and use of
energy. The Future – Solar in Schools educates the energy users
of tomorrow to make informed choices that care for the planet.
Sustainable Living at Home Program
– City of Port Phillip
Sustainable Living at Home (SLAH) is a community based environmental
program, which is defined by and thrives on community involvement.
This program builds on the need expressed by residents that they
wanted to build better relationships with their neighbours as well
as be more ‘environmentally friendly’. The program is structured
so that teams of households meet once a month to learn from each
other and to utilise practical solutions to environmental problems
from the SLAH workbook. This resource provides easy to follow guidelines
on environmental sustainability.
Sustainable Schools Program –
NSW Department of Education & Training and Resource NSW
Two state Government departments, within NSW and Environment Australia,
have combined their resources and skills to implement the Sustainable
Schools Program. The program guides schools through three phases
of developing and implementing a school environment management plan,
finally leading them to a stage where they meet a set of criteria
that accredits them as a sustainable organisation. The program employs
the resources of numerous government and non-government organisations
as well as involving communities and local councils in its implementation.
By becoming a sustainable organisation, schools are taking on projects
to improve their local environment, educate their communities and
prepare today’s students for a more sustainable future.

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Category 4 –
Environmental Leadership in the Rural Sector
Awarded to an individual, group or an enterprise within the rural
sector that has made an outstanding contribution to the protection
of the environment and sustainable management of Australia’s natural
Charlie Carp
Charlie Carp is a story of commitment. It is a story of a group
of individuals dedicated to restoring the health of Australia’s
inland waterways. Their target – to control the most significant,
environmentally damaging pest ever introduced into the Australian
water system – the European Carp. Charlie Carp has adopted an innovative
commercial approach to a problem, turning an unwanted pest into
a resource capable of being used to further improve the environment.
The reduction in carp numbers will allow native fish numbers to
increase and underpin wide efforts to further improve our river
systems. The company has led the way informing strong partnerships
to deliver real results an encourage others to become involved in
addressing the issue or provide support for the efforts of Charlie
Carp through the purchase of a range of natural, environmentally
friendly products. The mission of Charlie Carp is to manufacture
innovative products which provide our customers with superior results
and benefit the Australian environment.
Liverpool Plains Land Management
Since its inception in 1992, the Liverpool Plains Land Management
Committee (LPLMC) has been at the forefront of research, planning
and natural resource management in the Liverpool Plains Catchment
of northwestern New South Wales. Their most notable achievements
include: research forums; the Liverpool Plains Catchment Investment
Strategy and the trial of market based Land Management Tenders and
Small Grants programs targeting biodiversity, salinity and water
quality. LPLMC has strived to look beyond traditional boundaries,
by forming successful partnerships to access information, finance
and resources for landholders and the catchment community. Through
this constructive collaboration they are achieving their goal of
“A Healthy Catchment for a Productive Future”.
Plumbago Station
Twelve years ago, Plumbago Station introduced a fundamental change
in its approach to the management of a pastoral production enterprise
to promote the protection and recovery of the Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby,
Petrogale xanthopus, and to ensure the sustainability of the natural
resource base. Major achievements have included the recovery of
the wallaby population from the brink of local extinction to now
being considered secure, with evidence of expansion back through
its former range. Successful management of total grazing pressure
has allowed the recovery of native vegetation communities, with
an associated improvement in biodiversity values. Plumbago has demonstrated
conservation goals can be achieve in conjunction with pastoral production.
Stanbroke Sustainability Project
– Stanbroke Pastoral Company Pty Ltd
Stanbroke Pastoral Company Pty Ltd is the largest single landholder
and beef producer in Australia. With a landmass more than one and
a half times that of Tasmania, spread across a wide range of catchments
and bioregions, Stanbroke has an unparalleled opportunity to achieve
results in environmental protection and stewardship. In 2002, the
company initiated an overarching Sustainability Project. The first
step in the project was the development of an Environmental Strategy
that is the product of an extensive research and consultation process.
The strategy is implemented through an EMS process designed to satisfy
the ISO 14001 standard. The strength of this EMS is not the process
standard, but the natural resource management and environmental
protection standards set by the company, that go well beyond legislative,
regional or industry standards. Stanbroke is committed to on ground
improvement in natural resource and environmental management and
is in a unique position to make a real difference to the environment
in which we live and work.
Sustainable Grazing Systems (SGS)
– Meat & Livestock Corporation
Australian farmers are proud environmentalists at heart, but 200
years of agriculture were starting to take their toll. The Sustainable
Grazing Systems (SGS) program was established to assist farmers
understand and improve their operations in a sustainable and profitable
manner. What makes this program unique is the cooperation and enthusiasm
that developed between producers, researchers, industry and government
departments, working together to make a real difference, towards
a very real goal of improving the environment. After 5 years, the
results were outstanding. ABARE reported that 10,000 producers were
involved in SGS, and of these, 81% had made changes to their grazing
systems and helped others to become more sustainable also – due
largely to SGS.

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Category 5 – Sustainable Development
Leadership in the Minerals Industry
Awarded to a company in the minerals industry that has demonstrated
leadership, commitment and excellence in contributing to Australia’s
sustainable future through the effective integration of wealth creation,
environmental stewardship and social responsibility.
BHP Billiton – Transforming Policy into Sustainable
BHP Billiton, the world’s largest diversified resources company,
is committed to enhancing its contribution to sustainable development.
To this end, health, safety, environment and community (HSEC) responsibilities
have been integrated into every aspect of the Company’s business.
From the highest level down, policies and processes have been implemented,
through a systems-based approach, to incorporate sustainability
considerations into business strategies and everyday decision-making.
Operating under an integrated HSEC Policy and mandatory HSEC Management
Standards, the Company’s aspirational goal is ‘Zero harm to people
and the environment’. By putting policy into practice, BHP Billiton
is at the forefront in developing and implementing initiatives for
sustainability in the minerals industry.
Sustainable Development – Global Concepts with
Local Practices – Hamersley Iron
When developing its Sustainable Development policy, Rio Tinto recognised
there was no ‘blue print’ solution for its diverse global business.
Instead it sought ‘locally derived responses’ to sustainability
issues. In Western Australia, Rio Tinto’s Hamersley Iron is at the
forefront of implementing sustainable development practices across
its many Pilbara operations. This proactive approach has lead to
the development of a unique methodology that measures, evaluates
and embeds the economic, social and environmental criteria of sustainable
development into the early stages of corporate decision-making for
capital and operating processes. It has been successfully tested
on two business decisions for operations in the Pilbara.
Sustainable Leadership by Newmont Australia
Newmont Australia endeavours to demonstrate leadership, commitment
and excellence in contributing to Australia’s sustainable future
through the effective integration of wealth creation, environmental
stewardship and social responsibility. Our strategy for sustainability
adopts an integrate approach that recognises the equal importance
of employee safety and wellbeing, environmental stewardship and
community benefit through wealth creation and partnership projects
as key factors contributing to our financial performance. Without
the alignment and integration of all of these elements, Newmont
Australia assumes long-term sustainability is unlikely. We don’t
claim to know it all, particularly is such a complex and challenging
issue that is sustainability, but Newmont believes it is learning
each day, influencing others to join in the debate and heading in
the right direction towards achieving results that will benefit
Australia for years to come. Our submission to the Banksia Awards
2003, in the category of Leadership in Sustainability in the Minerals
Industry, aims to share our learnings and encourage others in the
minerals industry to join in the pursuit towards a sustainable future.

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Category 6 – Environmental Leadership
in Protecting Bush, Land & Waterways
Awarded to an individual, group or organisation for outstanding
achievement and leadership in protecting Australia’s flora, fauna
and ecosystems and contributing to a sustainable future.
Biodiversity – Our Living Future – Coffs Harbour
City Council
In Coffs Harbour 93 species of plants and animals are recognised
as being either endangered or vulnerable. Coffs Harbour City Council
recognised its role as a leader in the community and understood
it was in a position to make a difference by leading the community
to protect biodiversity and ecosystems in the area. As such, in
September 2000 Coffs Harbour City Council made a formal commitment
to actively pursue the path to sustainability. This commitment has
lead Council to develop both its Biodiversity Action Strategy and
Environment Awareness Strategy. These strategies set the way for
Council, the community and other organizations to work together
to learn more about biodiversity and to actively participate in
enhancing and preserving biodiversity and their ecosystems. By treading
this path, we can be certain that Coffs Harbour will continue to
be a great place to live – for all species.
Clarkesdale Bird Sanctuary
In 1975 the late Gordon Clarke, a Linton pastoralist and philanthropist,
donated land and endowed a Trust to establish an entity structured
to fulfil his vision – ‘to optimise, manage and create habitat at
Linton to increase the diversity and population of native birds
in perpetuity’. Situated 30km southwest of Ballarat, the Clarkesdale
Bird Sanctuary of 535 hectares is on land owned by the Bird Observers
Club of Australia and Trust for Nature together with adjacent Crown
Land designated as Flora and Fauna Reserve. The Committee of Management,
appointed by BOCA, has created a strong network of partners working
to fulfil his vision. The successful transformation of cleared pastures,
degraded mining areas, and depleted bushlands, all previously invaded
by weeds and vermin, has resulted in many stable and diverse ecosystems
that now support an increasing range and number of woodland native
birds. The project continues to be an inspiration to visitors and
a source of great pleasure and satisfaction to those who have been
involved over many years.
Control of the Yellow Crazy Ant on Christmas
Island – Parks Australia and Monash University
Indian Ocean Territories
Biological invasions are one of the greatest environmental issues
of our time. Christmas Island’s greatest environmental threat is
invasion by the yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes). Parks
Australia and Monash University designed, developed, and delivered
a program to research and control this ant and mitigate its impacts
– in close cooperation with industry, Commonwealth and state government
departments, academics and the local Christmas Island community.
In 2002, these efforts culminated in a aerial control campaign that
devastated crazy ant supercolonies on Christmas Island. This ground-breaking
program stands as a model for effective partnerships in invasive
species management in Australia and elsewhere.
Fencing Incentive Scheme – Tasmania – Greening
Australia Tasmania
Greening Australia (Tasmania)’s Fencing Incentive Scheme – Tasmania
(FIST) has been one of the most successful Tasmanian conservation
initiatives. Over the past four years FIST has supported 329 private
landholders fence and manage 26,300 ha of important native vegetation
in 701 sites, by providing fencing grants and negotiated management
prescriptions for each property. The project has enhanced environmental
values and protected priority vegetation communities and threatened
species for less than $100 of public money per hectare. FIST is
more than fencing. It is also about promoting the many values of
native vegetation and highlighting the importance of integrating
conservation into sustainable agricultural practices.
The Arid Recovery Project
The national significance of the Arid Recovery Project’s achievements
are evident by major conservation successes, including removal of
key threatening processes and reintroduction of 4 nationally threatened
or endangered mammals to a landscape-scale region of arid Australia.
These achievements, in only 6 years since the project’s inception,
have been facilitated by unique partnerships, applied research,
adaptive management and persistent and concerted on-ground works.
The widespread applicability of Arid Recovery’s successes have been
and will continue to be the focus of a comprehensive education and
awareness campaign designed to improve public and stakeholder awareness
of conservation issues and land manager capabilities to remedy major
threats in the arid zone.
River Resurrection – Pasminco & the West
Coast Council
The ecological health of the severely degraded Stitt River on Tasmania’a
West Coast has dramatically improved over the last year following
an innovative partnership between Pasminco and the West Coast Council.
Levels of potentially harmful nutrients have fallen by more than
95% since town sewage & effluent, which previously entered the
Stitt River directly, was diverted into two non-operational mine
tailings dams. These dams operate as ‘wetlands’ or biological filters
to treat the effluent. The encouraging results have been maintained
throughout 2002, indicating that this project has established a
long-term sustainable solution to Stitt River water quality issues.
This project demonstrates a rare use of mining infrastructure to
achieve a community environmental goal, and one which has received
active support from the community and every level of government.

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Category 7 –
Leadership in Protecting Coastal & Marine Environments
Awarded to an individual, group or organisation for outstanding
achievement and leadership in protecting Australia’s marine flora,
fauna and ecosystems and contributing to a sustainable future.
Clive Easton
Tweed Shire Council has nominated Clive Easton, for 20 years of
innovative work in the coastal environment. Clive brought the major
coastal issue of acid-sulfate soils and their effect on coastal
ecosystems into the public arena in the late 1980s, pursuing the
issue with initially reticent affected landholders and instigating
collaborative applied research. Clive also pioneered environmentally
focussed salt marsh mosquito management techniques such as “runnels”
and developed Australia’s first Local Government mosquito and biting
midge Development Control Plan. Clive’s work has helped improve
environmental awareness, protection, biodiversity and public health
in many coastal areas of Australia.
The Marine and Coastal Community
The Marine and Coastal Community Network (MCCN) is a national, non-government
project that has dramatically increased community involvement in
marine conservation initiatives around Australia. The project was
established 1993 as an initiative of the Australian Marine Conservation
Society. The MCCN provides information to, and works with over 10,000
organisations, groups and individuals across government agencies,
industry and the community sector. Participants in the MCCN include
commercial and recreational fishing interests, scuba divers, the
shipping industry, marine science community, conservation interests,
and government agencies.
The Northern Shoalhaven R.E.M.S.
– Shoalhaven City Council & NSW Department of Land and Water
REMS is one of the largest and most complex water-recycling schemes
undertaken by an Australian local government water authority to
beneficially re-use up to 80% of reclaimed water (effluent) from
six Shoalhaven Wastewater Treatment Plants. Costing $64.5M REMS
will ultimately irrigate 750 hectares of dairy farms, golf courses
and recreation areas and serve a population of 58,000.
REMS is significantly helping to protect the Shoalhaven coastal
and marine environments by stopping discharges into Jervis Bay National
Marine Park; improving water quality and reduce releases to the
Shoalhaven River.
Williamstown-Altona Coastal Parklands – Hobsons
Bay City Council
The Williamstown-Altona Coastal Parklands is composed of 11 parcels
of public land along the industrialised inner western coast of Port
Phillip Bay. They include a former tip, a former explosives reserve
and a sewerage plant. The Strategic Directions Plan for the parklands,
developed in 1997, aims to conserve and enhance the habitat and
heritage values of the coast whilst integrating recreation. Local
residents and industry have been directly involved in the planning
and implementation of the parklands, resulting in the establishment
of three new parks, protection of migratory wading bird sites, stormwater
improvements and a heightened awareness of the values of the coast.

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Category 8 – Environmental Leadership
in Infrastructure & Services
Awarded to an individual, group or organisation which has demonstrated
leadership in protecting Australia’s environment and contributing
to a sustainable future through the design, construction and operation
of infrastructure and services, including water supply, wastewater
treatment, energy supply, waste minimisation, telecommunications
and transport.
Carrara Catchment Urban Stormwater Initiative
– Gold Coast City Council
The Carrara Catchment Urban Stormwater Initiative (USI) is the Gold
Coast City Council’s first whole – of – catchment approach to improving
the quality of stormwater run-off in a typical urban catchment draining
into the Nerang River. USI engaged several innovative solutions
including installing a bio-retention system, upgrading a lake and
wetland and restoring stream banks to improve stormwater quality.
The works were complemented by a comprehensive education program.
USI was unique in south-east Queensland in its collaborative approach
involving multiple tiers of government and research agencies as
well as private enterprise and the general community.
Douglas Shire Council
The Douglas Shire Council is a working example of an organisation
seeking to be sustainable by aiming at maintaining a healthy economy,
vibrant communities and a thriving biophysical environment. The
Douglas Shire Council is a small rural region on the coastline of
North East Australia. It is the only place in the World where two
World Heritage areas meet: the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet Tropics
of Far North Queensland. Nearly 80% of the Shire is World Heritage
listed. Its economy is built on a relatively new tourism industry
and an established agriculture sector. The Shire accommodates a
million visitors a year and produces a million tonnes of sugar cane,
cattle and a variety of fruit crops. It also has one of the oldest
intact surviving indigenous communities in the world – the Kuku
Yalanji. The Shire Council demonstrates how a partnership between
community, industry, science and government can create a sustainable
region and deliver local, national and global goals. Accordingly,
the DSC is widely recognised as a leader, through its forward-looking
and innovative initiatives, demonstrating excellence in environmental
management in a world-class environment.
Muller Industries: Utilising An Environmentally
Responsible Approach In Reducing The Risk Of Legionella Outbreaks
in Air Conditioning Systems
Muller Industries 3C Cooler reduces the risk of Legionella outbreaks
in Australia by using an environmentally responsible approach in
air conditioning systems. It can directly replace existing cooling
tower and maintain similar efficiency without the use of harmful
chemicals to the environment. Furthermore, it uses less water, does
not emit aerosols and has the potential to use recycle water. Due
to its closed circuit design, scaling and corrosion in piping and
equipment is minimised. Installation of 3C Cooler avoids the problems
of high capital costs involved in the replacement of cooling tower
with air-cooled equivalent and increased energy consumption.
The Sustainable Built Environment - Southern
Metropolitan Regional Council
Western Australia’s Southern Metropolitan Regional Council (SMRC)
has established a milestone in Australian public infrastructure
with its revolutionary solution to the pressing problem of household
waste reduction and recycling. Designed to divert more than 85%
of municipal waste from environmentally damaging landfill, the system
is one of the first in the world to successfully marry community
behaviour with advanced processing technology and commercial product
sales in one holistic strategy. Its centrepiece is a multi-million
dollar Regional Resource Recovery Centre (RRC), in suburban Canning
Vale, which is the second largest of it’s kind in the world. It
comprises and advanced materials recovery technology green waste
mulching and a state-of-the art in-vessel composting facility to
transform putrescible waste into high quality organic compost.
The Marina Hindmarsh Island
The Marina Hindmarsh Island is a multi-faceted, world class, working
marina and waterfront residential tourist attraction that is currently
being developed on a 1000-acre property on the south-western end
of Hindmarsh Island, adjacent to Goolwa in South Australia. In the
planning of The Marina Hindmarsh Island, environmental considerations
have always been of the highest importance. The Marina Hindmarsh
Island has formed partnerships with our Boaties, Residents, Landowners,
Suppliers, Local Service Clubs and other Organisations as part of
an ongoing program to ensure that we protect the environment we
have the privilege to boat in.

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Category 9 – Leadership in Sustainable
Product Design
Awarded for outstanding achievement in the design and manufacture
of products that contribute to the protection of the environment
and to a sustainable future.
Hot Press Project – Amcor Spearwood Paper Mill
Amcor Spearwood Mill operates a paper mill in Spearwood WA and recycles
65000 tonnes of wastepaper annually into world-class packaging grade
papers and boards. This volume recycled saves resources and diverts
material from landfill thus reducing waste. The grades of product
made at Spearwood are used in the corrugated box industry to protect
and distribute goods efficiently all over the world. The site has
both ISO 9000 and 14000 series accreditation. The Hot Press Project
has developed the technology to improve process and product design
so that less energy, water and other resources are used to manufacture
the paper products at the Spearwood Paper Mill whilst reducing greenhouse
gas emissions.
The Freshwater Systems Biobaffle – Freshwater
Freshwater Systems, a Tasmanian environmental company, recently
patented an Australian environmental innovation called the Biobaffle.
It enables native fish and other aquatic fauna to swim through concrete
culverts. The several hundred thousand road culverts on Tasmanian
streams act as barriers to fish movement due to excessive water
velocities inside them. The Biobaffle is designed to restore fish
passage at existing culverts. This product is rapidly being adopted:
forming the basis for a new Tasmanian fish passage policy; being
incorporated into the Forest Practices Code and DIER major road
culvert tenders; and culvert rehabilitation in the Derwent catchment
(Tasmania) has begun.
The Orbital Combustion Process 2-Stroke Motorcycle
Technology- Orbital Engine Corporation Limited
Orbital Engine Corporation’s innovative direct fuel injection technology
allows two stoke motorcycles to meet the world’s most stringent
exhaust emissions regulations with more than an 80% reduction in
noxious emissions and up to 40% reduction in fuel consumption. Europe’s
largest scooter producers, Aprilia, Piaggio and Peugeot, have adopted
the technology. Between them they will have on the market this European
summer eight different motor scooter models in volume production
using the innovative Australian technology. Market success as an
emissions solution has also been achieved in the marine outboard
and personal watercraft sector. The technology relies on a patented
direct injection system that is manufactured in high volumes by
Synerject in the USA, a joint venture between Orbital and SiemensVDO
Automotive. Orbital’s activity in India and other parts of Asia
bodes well for a large uptake of the technology in these markets
where pollution from two stroke motorcycles is a major problem.

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Category 10 – Leadership in
Sustainable Buildings
Awarded to a group, organisation or individual who has made an outstanding
contribution to the protection of the environment through the design,
construction and operation of buildings.
Ecological Sustainability in Capital Projects
– Department of Sustainability and Environment
The Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment has developed
and implemented a comprehensive ecologically sustainable design
and construction (ESDC) program, which has been introduced into
our capital works activities and is already applied or being applied,
to 12 sites across Victoria. By embedding this process into all
design and construction procedures, it ensures the approach to future
works will also strongly focus on environmental considerations.
The process is being shared with other Government Departments, the
building and construction community, and building owners and occupiers
through a range of processes, including:
- Development of comprehensive ecologically sustainable design
guidelines and supporting software
- An informative video and
- Workshops with building professionals.
ESDC principles include; Energy efficiency; Water efficiency; Waste
reduction; Preservation of natural habitat; Use of environmentally
friendly construction and it-out materials and practices; Indoor
environmental quality; and Reduction of the lifecycle impact of
the construction and occupancy process.
George St Apartments, Fitzroy – Contemporary
Green Design
Developed by Contemporary Green Design, designed by Gregory Burgess
Architects and built by Sightlines, the project aims to lead the
way in ecologically sustainable development (ESD). Residents will
cut their impact on the environment, save money and live in comfort.
ESD achievements include:
- Five-star energy rating
- Solar hot water
- Rainwater harvesting and re-use
- Use of environmentally appropriate material in construction
- Ongoing environmental management
With nine of eleven units sold and new owners moving in, the George
Street Apartments have achieved design and commercial success.
Kogarah Town Square – Kogarah Council
Urban centres are both a threat to the natural environment and an
important resource in their own right. The challenge of sustainability
is to solve both the problems experienced within cities themselves
(the result of action in the past) and the problems caused by the
city itself. Kogarah Council recognised this challenge through the
Kogorah Town Square Development; a mixed-use residential development
in the Kogarah Urban Centre. This development exercise provided
Kogarah Council with an opportunity to design a model of sustainability
which could act as ‘catalyst’ for the incorporation of environmentally
sustainable design principles in other developments, while establishing
a benchmark for wider Sydney. The project as successfully established
new sustainability targets in construction through its holistic
implementation of ecological sustainable development principles
and policy. It’s innovation in sustainability extends from the planning
process adoption, the scale of the development, the close proximity
to public transport nodes, and, most noteworthy, the following urban
and environmental design considerations:
- Building integrated photovoltaic cells which form Australia’s
largest solar powered medium density residential development
- Inclusion of a sophisticated tertiary treatment stormwater system
- Provision of a suite of other energy and water conservation
measures within architectural layout and fittings supplied.
To ensure that other developments in the municipality follow the
same sustainability principles, in 1998 Kogarah Council took the
opportunity to create a Development Control Plan for the Kogarah
Urban Centre. These building guidelines ensure that developments
in Kogarah achieve the sustainable outcomes which are vital for
the management and preservation of our fragile urban environment.
60L Green Building, Spowers Victoria, Green
Building Partnership, Lincolne Scott
A ground breaking project, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton (‘60L’)
represents new standards of Environmentally Sustainable Design.
Designed in accordance with ecological sustainability principles
within a commercial context, conversion of the building involved
refurbishment of an existing 3 storey brick, timber and concrete
office building and integrating the construction of a new 4 storey
concrete structure. Produced to a commercial budget, 60L challenges
the preconception that ‘green’ buildings cost more. 60L was significantly
let at commencement of construction and provides massive savings
in energy and water consumption.
Murdoch University – Environmental Technology
The Waalitj Environmental Technology Centre (ETC) at Murdoch University
is made up of 1.7 hectares of permaculture garden and state of the
art buildings to experiment, demonstrate and motivate those interested
in Environmentally Sustainable Technologies (ESTs). The ETC is a
nexus between Industry, University, Government and Community. The
Waalitj Buildings are evolving and changing to suit the needs of
occupants, visitors and researchers alike. Comprising innovative
construction techniques, which consider the entire production and
deconstruction process, computer controlled climate systems, solar
panels, the Waalitj Complex is a major demonstration of new millennium
building techniques.

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Category 11 – Leadership in
Socially Responsible Investment
Awarded to an organisation, group of shareholders, or financial
institution for achievement and leadership in contributing to Australia’s
sustainable future through socially responsible investment practices.
AMP Henderson Global Investors
AMP Henderson manages over $4.5 billion in Socially Responsible
Investment funds globally. It combines investing in industries of
the future and leaders within traditional sectors, together with
actively engaging with business on social and environmental issues.
AMP Henderson has shown its commitment and sought leadership in
the area of SRI as evidenced through a range of Australian initiatives.
These include releasing major position papers, conducting a climate
change survey of Australian business, raising public awareness through
SRI performance studies, engaging extensively with broad stakeholder
groups, and creating educational material for consumers and business
building tools for financial planners.
Australian Ethical Investment Limited
All Australian Ethical Trusts and Superannuation Investments are
selected in accordance with the Australian Ethical Charter – the
principles guiding a portfolio of some 80 investments. For over
a decade it has been dedicated to social and environmental criteria,
frequently at grass-roost level – a framework unique in Australia
and unusual overseas. The trusts and superannuation strategies have
often been among the top quartile of financial performers when included
with conventional funds. There is consensus that Australian Ethical
is the ‘deepest green’ of any SRI fund in Australia. Australian
Ethical Investment exists to give investors a choice of fund that
combines both financial and ethical considerations.
Investa Property Group: Responsibility In Property
Investa Property Group is an established leader in the application
of sustainability principles within the listed property trust sector
of the ASX. With funds under management of $2.8 billion, the Group
has been responsible for elevating the fundamentals of sustainability
among its institutional investor base, highlighting and increasingly
delivering on the opportunities and outcomes afforded by the comprehensive
application of sustainability principles across its business platform.
Investa Property Group has been rated by international ratings group,
Sustainable Asset Management (SAM) as a leader among real estate
investment groups in Australia. It was the first Group to embrace
the Sustainable Energy Development Authorities (SEDA) Australian
Building Greenhouse Rating System across its portfolio, and has
made substantial investment in energy management systems and OH&S
programmes. It is a foundation member and participant on the Green
Building Council of Australia and is presently developing the framework
for ensuring direction to its sustainability platform.
Rewards Group Limited
The Rewards Group is a boutiquie agribusiness funds manager that
owns and operates commercial plantation Sandalwood operations in
the West Australian wheat belt. This submission for the Banksia
Awards in the category of Environmental Leadership in Socially Responsible
Investment is based on the company’s contribution to the reversal
of land degradation and regional economics in Western Australia.
Over the past 3 years, the company has injected over $8M and established
an 1100 hectare resource of Australia’s most valuable timber, Sandalwood
(Santalum spciatum) in Western Australia. External capital investment
in rural Australian is typically concentrated in the high rainfall
or irrigated agricultural regions. However, the majority of the
degradation issues such as salinity and rising water tables are
occurring in the low to medium rainfall landscapes of rural Australia.
The establishment of the high valued Sandalwood timber industry
is the first large scale investment opportunity that addresses the
environmental issues crippling Australia and produces a commercial
returns for investors. The Rewards Group have successfully developed
and commercialised this native species and is delivering exceptional
benefits to the degraded landscape of the nation’s wheat belt.
VicSuper: Sustainability Investing for a Sustainable
VicSuper Pty Ltd (VicSuper), with more than $1.6 billion in assets,
leads the Australian superannuation industry with its unique and
innovative sustainability investment strategy in two key asset classes:
Listed equity – By investing in the largest companies in Australia
and internationally that rate well against their peers in terms
of sustainability, VicSuper is making a considerable contribution
to the protection of Australia’s environment and to a more sustainable
future for everyone.
Direct Property - VicSuper has initiated sustainability criteria
to be considered in the management of its direct property portfolio
($130 million). VicSuper is not aware of any other large investor
that is actively engaging their investment property manager to take
sustainability considerations into account in the management of
commercial properties.
VicSuper has integrated sustainability considerations into its operations
by making sustainability its central operating principle, thereby
integrating environmental, social and economic considerations into
its decision-making frameworks, operations, staff learning and developments,
and investment strategies.

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Category 12 – Environmental
Leadership in Communications
Awarded to an individual, group, or organisation for achievement
and leadership in communication through the raising of public awareness
and understanding of environmental issues and innovations.
Filbert’s Place Environmental Interpretive Centre
– Thiess Services Pty Ltd
Filbert’s Place Environmental Interpretive Centre and Swanbank Environmental
Education Experiences (SWANEEE) offer an environmental educational
experience which is unique in Australia, and possibly the world.
Based at Swanbank Landfill, near Ipswich, the programme is the result
of a partnership between the Keep Australia Beautiful Council (Qld)
Inc and the members of the ReOrganic Energy Swanbank consortium.
Targeting schools in the local area and increasingly across Brisbane,
response to Filbert’s Place has snowballed in the past year, with
2003 bookings to date standing at 16 schools with 659 children.
In addition, Filbert’s Place has achieved a high profile in the
local community through effective media releases and events, features
on television shows, and personal appearances by the “Filbert the
Frog” mascot.
Greencycling Campaign - Parramatta City Council
There has been a significant increase in the amount of garden waste
recycled in the Parramatta area which has been achieved through
an extensive education campaign involving local residents. Contamination
of garden waste bins with non-recyclable materials has significantly
decreased as a direct result of the campaign. The garden waste recovered
through the kerbside collection service is recycled into garden
products such as mulches and soil conditioners, creating a sustainable
and practical solution to the issue of waste minimisation and efficient
resource use.
Return To Eden – Artemis International
A fifty-minute documentary, follows Project Eden, an ambitious counter-attack
on feral animals and the return of native animals, on the brink
of extinction, to the remote wilds of the Peron Peninsular in Western
Australia. In a world first, it documents the bilby lifecycle and
the efforts of volunteers who breed them in captivity to secure
the species. The film took four years to make, has won Australian
and international awards and has been broadcast to over 30 million
people. It has helped inform bilby captive breeding centres by giving
insight into previously unknown bilby behaviour.
The "Wipe Out Waste" Program – Gold Coast City
The ‘Wipe Out Waste’ (WOW) Program is an initiative of the Gold
Coast City Council. The program, officially launched in May 2000,
aims to raise awareness and develop skills for the minimisation
and responsible management of waste on the Gold Coast. Since its
inception the program has involved over 50,000 students in waste
minimisation activities and learning. The centrepiece of the program
is a mobile education facility that provides a unique learning environment
for students. Extensive evaluation of the program indicates that
the majority of participants raise awareness of waste issues in
the family environment and increase their participation in recycling
and other waste minimisation measures. The ‘Wipe Out Waste’ Program
has also contributed to a significant increase in the recovery of
recyclable materials through the kerbside collection system.
Waste Wise – Gould League of Victoria
The Waste Wise Schools Program is an exciting initiative that assists
Victorian schools minimise waste and reduce litter. The Program
shows schools how they can save money, create opportunities for
worthwhile learning outcomes while helping the environment. The
program was developed through extensive consultation with teachers
and waste educators and integrates easily into the curriculum. It
operates in 830 schools throughout Victoria and is equally relevant
to primary schools, secondary schools and special school settings.
The Program is funded by EcoRecycle Victoria and managed by the
Gould League. Evaluation has shown that schools are achieving outstanding
results in reducing waste and litter and that there is enormous
support for the Waste Wise Schools Program.
‘Your Home’ –Institute for Sustainable Futures,
University of Technology, Sydney, The Australian Greenhouse Office
Your Home is a comprehensive and highly accessible guide that encourages
and supports a mainstream Australian audience to take a more sustainable
approach to the design, renovation and operation of their homes.
Its objective is to reduce the significant detrimental impact of
the Australian housing sector on the natural environment. Your Home
consists of two linked parts:
- Introductory Consumer Guide
- Technical Manual
The package has been extraordinarily successful since its launch
in August 2001, with over 125,000 copies distributed to the general
public and 17,000 copies distributed to building industry members.
By December 2002 the Your Home website had received over 1 million
hits. Your Home has received mainstream media coverage and has been
adopted by building industry organisations and tertiary institutions
as an integral component of the training they provide.

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Prime Minister’s Environmentalist
of the Year Award
Awarded to any Australian individual, organisation or group who
has excelled in the context of Federal Government’s national environmental
priorities and to mark the United Nations' International Year of
Freshwater in 2003, the Prime Minister's Award seeks excellence
in the following areas: -
- Combating salinity and protecting water quality;
- Involving communities in the repair and conservation of their
own environments through the Natural Heritage Trust;
- Implementing greenhouse abatement initiatives;
- Protecting biodiversity;
- Protecting our oceans;
- Improving air quality; and
- Working for a sustainable development through such initiatives
as recycling and waste management, in partnership with industry,
the community and governments.
Arron Wood
2001 Young Australian of the Year (National Environment Winner)
Arron Wood has worked in community education and the environment
since beginning his career in the Water industry. Arron holds a
degree in Forest Science from the University of Melbourne and deals
extensively with the interface between government and stakeholder
His previous roles have seen him with Lower Murray Water Authority,
Mildura Rural City Council and the Mallee Catchment Management Authority
as a Waterway/Floodplain Manager. Arron was the youngest Waterways/Floodplain
Manager in the State of Victoria by some ten years.
Arron’s River Health Conference recently became a finalist in the
prestigious 2002 Eureka Science Prize and he is set to receive The
Centenary Medal for outstanding contribution to conservation and
the environment, to be awarded by the Governor-General in April
Dr. John Wamsley
Over the past 33 years Dr John Wamsley has been a dynamic leader
in the conservation of Australia’s Flora and Fauna. He has…
- Identified and solved the problem of Australia’s disappearing
- Successfully reintroduced 26 species of threatened wildlife
into areas of their original range
- Educated Australians about their wildlife, environment, heritage
and responsibilities
- Pioneered the concept of sustainable conservation through the
establishment of sanctuaries based on educational eco tourism.
- Launches ESL, the first public company with a core business
of conservation
- Demonstrated that Australian animals survive best in protected,
original habitat conditions.
Dr Peter Davies
Peter’s experience in water quality, environmental flow and freshwater
biodiversity issues span more than 25 years. He is an environmental
leader with passion and vision.
Peter is a high achiever setting new standards an ‘Australian-firsts’
in developing innovative policies and strategies, (AUSRIVAS framework),
implementing new practices (Lake Pedder Galaxias translocation)
and designing new environmental innovations (the Biobaffle). He
has always sought to take new directions and to appropriate new
ideas into his chosen area.
He is seen as a primary motivator in the area of aquatic environmental
management by many in industry, government and the community.
John Dainton
John Dainton has been a leader in natural resource management in
the Goulburn Broken Catchment of northern Victoria for almost two
decades. He has been at the helm of numerous land and water management
organizations and lead the development of highly sophisticated and
integrated programs to sustain the natural resources of the productive
region. John understands better than anyone the need for an integrated
approach to sustain the social, environmental and economic wellbeing
of the catchment. His vision and leadership qualities have provided
the government and the community with innovative solutions and the
confidence to invest in them.
Victoria and Double Island Oil Field Developments,
Apache Energy Limited
The Victoria and Double Island oil field developments involved the
installation of two offshore pipe lines in a shallow water marine
environment containing a high diversity of coral bomboras, coral
patch reefs and associated marine life. More than 1300 coral bomboras,
some more than 3 metres high and 5 metres wide were identified within
the pipeline alignments.
Apache, in partnership with the construction contractor (Mermaid
Clough Pty Ltd), implemented innovative procedural controls and
management initiatives to ensure the protection of the marine environment.
Both pipelines were installed with no significant damage occurring
to the identified coral bomboras.
Through this success, Apache has set a new benchmark ‘best practice’
methods for pipeline installation in environmentally sensitive shallow
water marine environments. These practices could be adopted for
any activity requiring anchoring in environmentally sensitive shallow
water areas.
Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists
A little under 6 months ago, a small group of Australian scientists,
who became known as the “Wentworth Group”, met to challenge Australia
about the damage being caused to our continent from inappropriate
land and water management practices. They released a radical blueprint
that fired the enthusiasm of the community and triggered an environmental
debate the like of which Australia has not seen for decades. They
presented a new model for landscape conversation that ends broad
scale land clearing throughout NSW and delivers financial security
for farmers and rural communities. The NSW Government has adopted
this radical institutional reform and backed the plan with a $120
million native vegetation incentives fund. The Wentworth group met
at a WWF Australia forum in Sydney where they hammered out a declaration
outlining their concerns over proposals to “drought-proof” Australia.

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