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The Strand is a multi-award winning leisure destination that
receives annually in excess of 1,600,000 local and tourist visitors.
The Strand The Strand - Where Townsville meets the sea... TCC logo

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The Strand has been presented with a wide range of awards over the years that attest to the quality of the product. The awards include:
The Strand
It's good clean fun! The strand, Townsville. Qld's CLeanest Beach 2003
Click to see the Strand Billboard in Brisbane
World Leisure Innovation Prize 2006
Queensland Government EPA Clean Beach Challenge 2005
North Queensland Tourism Awards 2005
  • Significant Tourist Attraction.
Queensland Government EPA Clean Beach Challenge 2004
Queensland Government EPA Clean Beach Challenge 2003
Heart Foundation Kellogg Local Government Awards 2003
  • State Recreational Infrastructure Facilities.
North Queensland Tourism Awards 2002 & 2003
  • Winner: Strand Night Market
Queensland Government EPA Clean Beach Challenge 2002
Heart Foundation Kellogg Local Government Awards 2002
  • National Highly Commended for Recreational Infrastructure Facilities
  • State Recreational Infrastructure Facilities
Queensland Government EPA Clean Beach Challenge 2001
  • North Queensland Region Cleanest Beach.
  • North Queensland Region Resource Conservation and Waste Management Award

Click image to enlarge - North Ward and the Strand Beach

The environmental theme is also abundant in the artwork on the strand. Below is text of a plaque dedicated to the work of local artist Anne Lord.

Art on the Strand

Flotsam and Jetsam 1999

Glass Bricks and Photographic images printed on metal plate

Over a period of 10 years, Anne Lord recorded common objects washed up on the Strand. Discarded items in these images may have been used by locals, visitors or even people oceans away.

The artist was interested in the Strand as a well-loved recreational place with its by-products of human activity.

Questions may be asked about where these objects originated and where they go.

Anne Lord is a multimedia artist whose work confronts environmental degradation and paradoxically reveals the grace of nature.

Shoe Bottle Thong