There are five Levels in the Pyramid, including the Capstone.
Each Level corresponds to a Round of play -- with the addition
of a preliminary round, called "Preparing the Ground" -- and
is focused on developing different kinds of insights and making different
kinds of Agreements.
Preparing the Ground
Teams form, develop Working Agreements, and become familiar with the training
scenario. They develop the scenario with a review of Assets, Concerns,
and Current Conditions.
Level 1: Indicator Level
Teams develop a set of nine Indicators of Sustainability
-- a representative set of measurable conditions or attributes for their
Compass Point. They explore linkages to other Indicators on other Compass
Level 2: System Level
This level involves mapping out chains of cause-and-effect, System
Linkages, that can reveal hidden patterns beneath the Indicators.
Teams link system elements together in a causal chain, from the perspective
of their Compass Point. They make "System Maps" to show how
the System Elements link together, and choose seven "Key System Elements"
to highlight on the Pyramid. Participants then explore linkages between
the System Elements across the Compass Points.

Representatives from Townsville and Thuringowa
building the Sustainability Pyramid.
Level 3: Innovation Level
For this level, teams brainstorm a set of five Innovations
-- new ideas, technologies, programs or initiatives that can positively
change the system, from the perspective of their Compass Point. Then they
consider ways in which the Innovations they've selected can link together
to increase their impact.
Level 4: Strategy Level
For this level, teams develop a set of three Strategic Initiatives
-- methods for successfully promoting a specific innovation or set of
innovations within the context of the scenario. They attempt to find linkages,
across the Compass Points and among their "Top Strategies."
Level 5: Capstone Agreement
At this level, to complete the Pyramid and close the workshop, all
participants develop a Capstone Agreement about how they
will take the learning of the workshop into the real world. They agree
on at least one common action that they will take forward
after the workshop. |