The Art in School - Urban Nature Ecotourism Puzzle Map
was a complimenting project of the Youth
Ecotourism Forum, and involved Townsville’s primary
The ‘Art in School” program is about young people producing
an exciting artwork that reflects their view of their local environment.
The Urban Nature Ecotourism Puzzle Map enabled over 350 Students
from Year 1 to Year 7 to express how they perceived their Urban
Nature and Ecotourism potential in their local area and/or suburb.
The Final project incorporates a total size of 4m x 6m 3-dimensional
interactive map that children can walk through, reflecting the natural
environment of their local area, i.e. a native bird, natural habitat,
waterway or mountain. The final artwork displayed collage, paint,
sculpture and other creative medium.
The Urban Nature Ecotourism Puzzle Map exhibition was launched on
the Monday of the 2006 International Ecotourism Conference by Mayor
Tony Mooney and the former Chair of Ecotourism Australia, Ms. Clare
McFarlane. Photos
Launch of the Ecotourism Puzzle
map exhibition-30 October 2006 |
See Photos
& Video (soon) of the artwork
See the Invite
for the launch of the Urban Nature Puzzle Map exhibition.