Family: |
Rubiaceae |
Form and Size: |
A small to medium tree to about 8m high, with a spreading crown. |
Distribution: |
Across northern - Australia and down the eastern Qld coast; in forests
and open woodlands. |
Leaves: |
Opposite, oval, tip pointed, soft, finely hairy, light green above,
paler with distinct venation beneath, new growth is silky-hairy. |
Bark: |
Grey to black, rough, flaky to tessellated. |
Flowers: |
Separate male and female; male in groups of 3 or more, female solitary;
white, scented, tubular, star-like petals. |
Flowering Period: |
May to November. |
Fruit: |
Brown, globular with a tubular calyx at the tip, smooth, 1 - 2cm
diameter, numerous seeds. |
Cultivation/Notes: |
Propagate from seed. An adaptable plant, useful as a shade or shelter
tree in a wide range of soils. Abundant water is required. |