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School Shade Tree Program Greening Townsville Tree Days in Townsville

Euroschinus falcata

Euroschinus falcata Branch Euroschinus falcata FormEuroschinus falcata Fruit

Common Name: Chinaman's Cedar, Pink Poplar, Ribbonwood.
Family: Anacardiaceae
Form and Size: A tall tree, 10 - 15m high, with pendulous foliage; trunk often buttressed.
Distribution: From Cooktown, Qld. To Jervis Bay NSW; in rainforests, drier forests and along stream banks.
Leaves: Pinnate, 4 - 10 alternate leaflets; leaflets egg-shaped, unequal at the base, glossy green above, paler beneath, long drawn-out tip, 5 - 10cm x 2.5cm.
Bark: Brownish-grey, wrinkled or scaly.
Flowers: Pink, about 0.5cm diameter; borne in large terminal panicles.
Flowering Period: November to December.
Fruit: Egg-shaped, black, scented when damaged, 0.6 - 0.9cm long; a single seed about 0.5cm long.
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from fresh seed. A fast growing tree with an attractive appearance, suited to larger gardens or parks. Will do well in well drained soils which have been mulched.

For information on Greening Townsville Program please go to:

Source: Across the Top: Gardening with Australian Plants in the Tropics,
compiled by Keith Townsend for Society for Growing Australian Plants.

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