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School Shade Tree Program Greening Townsville Tree Days in Townsville

Eucalyptus tereticornis

Eucalyptus tereticornis BranchEucalyptus tereticornis Trunk

Common Name: Forest red Gum, Blue Gum.
Family: Myrtaceae
Form and Size: A large tree, usually 20 - 30m high, but to 50m in tall forest areas.
Distribution: Eastern Qld., NSW and eastern Vic.; in open forests and on alluvial plains.
Adult Leaves: Long drawn-out point, thick, shiny, green.
Bark: Smooth, white, grey or grey blue deciduous in large flakes or sheets, often rough and flaky at the base.
Flowers: White occasionally pink, about 1.5cm diameter; clusters of 5 - 12.
Flowering Period: June to November.
Fruit: Capsules 5 - 7mm long, 4 - 8cm wide; valves strongly exserted.
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from seed. An important nectar and pollen producer, and the leaves are relished by koalas. The timber is heavy and durable and is used for construction and posts.

For information on Greening Townsville Program please go to:

Source: Across the Top: Gardening with Australian Plants in the Tropics,
compiled by Keith Townsend for Society for Growing Australian Plants.

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