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School Shade Tree Program Greening Townsville Tree Days in Townsville

Cochlospermum gillivraei

Cochlospermum gillivraei FlowerCochlospermum gillivraei FormCochlospermum gillivraei Fruit

Common Name: Kapok
Family: Bixaceaae
Form and Size: A small tree, 3 - 8m tall; deciduous.
Distribution: Queensland and Northern Territory in open forests and common in coastal areas on granite ridges.
Leaves: Deeply lobed, 5 - 7 egg-shaped or lance-shaped lobes, dark green, smooth, 5 - 7cm x 8 - 10cm.
Bark: Creamy-grey, smooth.
Flowers: Bright yellow, 5 open petals, stamens red, about 10cm diameter; borne in small terminal panicles.
Flowering Period: August to October when the tree is leafless.
Fruit: Capsules, egg-shaped, about 8cm long; splitting open when rile to release black seeds embedded in cotton fibre.
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from seed. It needs well drained soils and a sunny position. A very attractive tree when in flower, the flowers being held for a considerable time.

For information on Greening Townsville Program please go to:

Source: Across the Top: Gardening with Australian Plants in the Tropics,
compiled by Keith Townsend for Society for Growing Australian Plants.

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