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School Shade Tree Program Greening Townsville Tree Days in Townsville

Cassia brewsteri

Cassia FlowerCassia Branch

Common Name: Leichhardt Bean
Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Form and Size: A tall shrub or small tree 2 - 6m height.
Distribution: Near - coastal areas of QLD from Cairns to Maryborough, and inland from North Townsville to Rockhampton.
Leaves: Dark green and paler underneath, oblong shaped with a blunt end.
Bark: Dark-grey, hard and furrowed.
Flowers: Creamy - yellow pendulous occur in the upper leaf axils.
Flowering Period: June to September.
Fruit: Black flattened pods.
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from treated seed. It is an attractive plant when in flower. The dense foliage makes it a useful shade or feature tree. Smaller in drier areas, new growth is promoted with extra watering.

For information on Greening Townsville Program please go to:

Source: Across the Top: Gardening with Australian Plants in the Tropics,
compiled by Keith Townsend for Society for Growing Australian Plants.

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