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School Shade Tree Program Greening Townsville Tree Days in Townsville

Acacia leptostachya

Acacia leptostachya FlowerAcacia leptostachya Form

Common Name: Townsville Wattle
Family: Mimosaceae
Form and Size: Large bushy shrub or small tree to 5m
Distribution: Common across northern Australia in woodlands and watercourses
Leaves: Slender silver – grey in colour, with 3-5 prominent veins from the base of the leaf. New growth is covered in silky hairs giving a white appearance
Bark: Brown and rough
Flowers: Slender yellow spikes occurring in pairs in the leaf axil
Flowering Period: June to August
Fruit: Pods are dark brown in colour, occur in clusters and are twisted and curled. The pods remain on the tree after the seeds have fallen from the pods
Cultivation/Notes: Propagate from treated seed. Pruning will assist with maintaining a bushy form.

For information on Greening Townsville Program please go to:

Source: Across the Top: Gardening with Australian Plants in the Tropics,
compiled by Keith Townsend for Society for Growing Australian Plants.

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