This project celebrates the completion
of 13kms of a pathway network along each bank of the Ross River.
It links the outer suburbs of Townsville with the CBD and an
additional 9kms of pathway has been scheduled for construction
over the next 4 years.
In 1986 the Ross River Masterplan focussed attention on the
River as a major recreation resource and initiated construction
of the new facilities. Since then this project has been a major
public works for the Townsville City Council.
Currently it is estimated that the Ross River Parkway is used
39,200 times each week. The pathway is shared by pedistrians,
cyclists, roller skaters and bladers, strollers, and people
wallking pets. Many other residents use the pathway to access
public parks and recreation areas along the the river banks
and the river itself.
While the pathway was designed primarily for recreational use,
it is being well used by commuters and school children as it
provides a safe route to and from various schools.
The City of Townsville receives a commemorative
plaque and a $2000 award.
