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Townsville 15th - 16th May 2007

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[ Urban-Nature-Youth Ecotourism Forum II ] [ Madeleine McGann "A Journey to Oslo" ]

“Working on the Youth Ecotourism Charter”

Creek to Coral Great Tropical Drive
Burdekin Dry Tropics NRM Reef HQ

The Urban Nature-Youth Ecotourism Forum (UN-YEF) II was successfully held on the 15th and 16th of May, 2007. The Forum was a follow-up of the first UN-YEF and linked with the Global Ecotourism Conference held in Oslo, Norway in May 2007.

Partners of the Forum were Reef HQ, the Great Tropical Drive, Burdekin Drive Tropics NRM and Creek to Coral. TCC and Reef HQ staff facilitated the Forum.

Around fifty students from the Cathedral School of Saint Anne and Saint James, St Patrick’s Secondary College and Townsville State High School attended the Forum and the videoconference held on the next day.

The forum was a United Nations- Decade of Education for Sustainable Development event. It gathered around 50 students from Townsville Schools who took part in fun, interactive events facilitated by Townsville City Council and Reef HQ staff.


Photos of the Forum

UN decade of education for sustainable development 2005 - 2014

On the 15th of May, students worked on the draft of the Youth Ecotourism Charter drafted during the first Forum.

Thanks to a number of interactive activities, including role playing around an imaginary ecotourism business case, videos, and exercises, they were able to add their input on the Charter.

The following day, students had the opportunity to share their experience and suggestions on the Charter through videoconference with Madeleine McGann, their student representative in Oslo (from the Cathedral School) and with students from France, Brazil and Thailand.

Click here to see the students’ report presented at the videoconference

Madeleine McGann then reported on both Forums and the Charter during the final plenary session of the Global Ecotourism Conference in Oslo.

More on Maddie’s experience!


[ Youth Ecotourism Blogs ]

Proceedings of the Forum

  • Youth Ecotourism Charter updated soon…

  • Suggestions and ideas regarding Forster Island,
    the imaginary ecotourism venture soon…

See the Forum’s Brochure

See The updated Ecotourism Youth Charter & add your comments



Venue: REEF HQ, Conference Room 1

Tuesday, 15th MAY 2007

Part I. Building our Youth Ecotourism Charter

9.45 Refreshments
10.00 Welcoming Introduction - Dive Show
10.20 Briefing: Urban Nature – Youth Ecotourism Forum II Objectives and organization
10.25 Ice breaking activities-youth jam
10.35 Activity 1: Familiarizing with the draft of the Youth Ecotourism Charter
10.45 Activity 2: Comparing charters - sharing ideas
11.00 Greg Bruce – TCC / EMS presentation
11.30 Activity 3: Presentation- World-wide ecotourism
11.40 Activity 4: Role playing - Ecotourism venture
13.00 Activity 5: Brainstorming- Joe Sprats, Noorla Heritage Resort (Eco-accredited)
13.20 Activity 6: Ecotourism venture continued…
14.00 Presentation of outcomes and preparation of videoconference – nomination of delegates

Wednesday, 16th MAY 2007

Part II. Sharing ideas – International Video Conference

18.30 Opening ceremony/ buffet
19.00 Videoconference starts - Photos of the Videoconference