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Ecofiesta - Celebrating Our  Environment

4th June 2006, 11am - 5pm.
Queens Gardens - Cnr Gregory and Paxton St, North Ward

[ Photos 2006 ]

Eco Fiesta 2006 launched Townsville City Council’s celebration of Environment Week and was held in Queens Gardens on Sunday, June 4th 2006, from 11am to 5pm.

Deputy Mayor Ann Bunnell, Townsville West State School student Rowan Collin and Mayor Tony Mooney.
Environment Awards.

The festival is organised by Council’s Community Development Section and incorporates the Townsville City Council Environment Awards which are organised by Environmental Management Services.

The aim of the Festival is to hold a great day out in the park with the whole family. The festival supports local environmental organisations and displays new or alternative and sustainable technologies in the Environmental Expo. It aims to raise awareness amongst the community of environmental issues. This was Eco Fiesta’s 14th year and past festivals have attracted approximately 6,000 people during the 5 hours.

Eco Fiesta is interactive, fun and entertaining with something for everyone:

  • An Environmental Expo showcasing the numerous environmental community groups and businesses in the area.

  • Trash to Fash Competition.
    Trash to Fash Competition.
    A variety of fun, interactive workshops for children and adults.

  • An exciting stage program with local bands performing a variety of musical styles over the course of the day.

  • The return of Trash 2 Fash – a fashion competition with a twist. All outfits must be made from recycled material! This is the second year Townsville City Council has supported the Leos Clubs of Townsville, who are raising funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. The fashions will be paraded and awards will be presented to budding local designers during the day’s stage entertainment.

  • A range of food and drinks on sale.


Contact Details:

Community development Townsville City Council,
Ph: 4727 9680 or web:


Past festivals have attracted approximately 6,000 people.Previous Years:

  If it is raining, listen to local radio stations for advice.

Townsville City Council Home PageCouncil's Environment Management Services