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An Invitation from the Mayor

Townsville Mayor Tony Mooney

Be a part of Townsville's biggest ever city greening campaign.
TCC Envirofund workshops are held to assist people and groups to prepare applications of Environmental Projects for funding under the Australian Government Envirofund Program.

Projects could include: Fish ecology, weeds, water quality, community greening, land rehabilitation, environmental education, etc.

Community support is vital. Interested groups, schools and individuals who have environmental projects they would like to undertake, are most welcome to attend the workshop to learn how to apply for funding.


Councillor Tony Mooney, Mayor of the City of Townsville

14 applications have been submitted in the first round with 7 being funded - see projects.

6 applications have been submited in the second round which is now closed - see projects

Contact TCC Environmental Management on 47279310 or to express your interest

for more information see below:

Another round of the

Australian Government Envirofund is expected in:

June 2004

TCC Environmental Management Services organises TCC-Community Initiative workshops to enable people and community groups interested in developing and submitting environmental rehabilitation and education projects to commence preparations.

Such preparations require identifying projects, developing partnerships, and securing in-kind support for environmental initiatives.

(For eligibility of projects check out the Australian Government Envirofund:
Visit Envirofund Home page

Envirofund is targeted at smaller Natural Heritage Trust projects (up to $30,000) and especially community groups or individuals not yet engaged in on-ground works or initiatives. It offers the opportunity to become involved.

For more detailed information on this TCC-Community initiative workshop contact:

TCC Environmental Management Sevices on 47279310 (9am-5pm weekdays)

or for more information on the Australian Government Envirofund click the logo above

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