Not Weedlands |
WHEN: Sunday 12th 19th of October WHERE: Several locations: Cotters
Market Flinders Mall Sunday, 12th of October 2003 Foyer
- Townsville City Council Administration Building Monday, 13th
17th of October 2003 Louisa
Creek - Tuesday, 14th of October 2003 Oak Valley Park - 1 PM Sunday, 19th of October 2003 |
http://www.weedbusterweek.info.au Townsville
City Council in partnerships with community groups (Oak Valley Landcare
and Louisa Creekwatch) have organised several activities to mark Weedbuster
Week celebration in Townsville 12th - 19th of October 2003.
Magnetic Island Worst Weeds (.pdf 65kb) Magnetic Island clean up letter (.pdf 630kb)