Watersmart-Waterwise Council has previously adopted the Waterwise program which involved bringing Waterwise teachers from Brisbane. They delivered presentations to school students on water conservation. In 1999/2000 Council chose to discontinue this program and to develop our own Watersmart program.
The local "Watersmart" program targets the Townsville community and its specific needs. The program is an educational plan which targets schools, produces brochures, contributes newspaper articles and maintains a library of educational resources. The program is being developed to integrate with other Council water management programs (e.g.. Louisa Creekwatch, Fishwatch, and Lakes Catchment tours) to ensure a catchment management approach "rainfall to outfall". The
Logo: the frog represents the land and clean fresh water that we all depend
on. The butterfly represents clean air and the important role that water
has (in vapour form) in the water cycle. The clown fish represents a clean
ocean. |
See Waterwatch 1999 (550kb .exe)