1 & 2
biodiversity - species richness; Aquatic Habitat Quality: water quality
(physico-chemical), sediment quality, algal blooms, litter accumulation.
Monitoring Measures: Ongoing biodiversity monitoring/assessment;
water monitoring/analysis for parameters: pH, conductivity, temperature,
DO, turbidity, TSS, TOC, Alk, NH3, NOx, PO4, E. Coli, faecal coliforms,
dissolved metals. Assessment of particle size distribution and metal concentrations
in sediments. Identification of algal species and monitoring of algae
bloom frequencies. Surveying and clean up of litter.
are two artificially-created lakes in Townsville designed as detention
basins for flood management and also as recreational facilities. The Lakes
2 USI project is a linear stormwater treatment system incorporating a
litter trap, rock-lined channel, gross pollutant trap with tri-lock and
a freshwater wetland and another rocklined channel. The system cleans
stormwater from a light industrial area that feeds into the Lakes. Sunfish,
Townsville Port Authority and Conservation Volunteers Australia are involved
in the environmental monitoring of the site.

Curralia (Lakes 1) viewed from the west with Castle Hill in background.
This artificial lake was constructed for stormwater flood management purposes
and has become the gross pollutant trap for the catchment. However, it
also has significant fish habitat values which are inconsistent with its
GPT characteristics.
Rock-lined baseflow channel looking upstream to the artificial wetland.
Sediment basin downstream of the multiple-barrel stormwater outlet. Rock-lined
entry point provides secondary treatment of drain seepage flows.
wetland for low-flow treatment and lakes water circulation and treatment.
Rock-lined water treatment system from artificial wetland to Lakes 1.
This baseflow rock treatment system provides both low-flow continuous
water treatment and recirculation
tertiary treatment (ie. from lake via filters to artificial wetland and
back to lake).
Lakes Schematic