Townsville SOE home page

Environmental History of
Townsville City

Townsville employs a project environment officer.
In so doing, the city becomes one of the first Australian Local Governments to have such a position.


The city holds community Workshops on Conservation Issues and requirements with results to be feed into Planning Scheme


RIKES report released - Rapid Identification of Key Environmental Sites Report is a compilaton of the results of the community workshops held in 1989.

Magnetic Island Management Plan in partnership with GBRMPA

The Townsville Council of the time agrees to send an elected representative to local Landcare (Townsville Thuringowa Landcare Association formed following a public meeting)

A Townsville Councillor joins National Landcare Advisory Committee (NLAC)


The Townsville City Council Launches Environmental Conservation Strategy

View the Living Today for Tomorrow Report

Castle Hill Management Plan produced to provide vision and management for the "Hill"


TCC inaugurates Environmental Planning Unit with a Manager and two Environment Officers

GBRMPA, Department of Planning, and Townsville City Council collaborate to produce Coastal Urban Impacts Study


Townsville and Thuringowa Councils give their support to Community Natural Resources Management Strategy development.


Townsville City is a Banksia Finalist - Waterways and Coastal.


Townsville Environment 2000 Celebrating World Environment Day

Townsville City Policy Document promises State of Environment Report.


As part of its commitment to ecologically sustainable development to protect biodiversity, the next Council would:

Publish Townsville's first State of the Environment Report. This will inform the community of a range of environmental issues affecting the city. It will involve processes of selecting and applying environmental indicators which will report human impact on our natural environment. After the initial report regular updates will be undertaken.


Townsville Cities second Banksia Finalist - Government/NGOs Leading by Example category for Councils Environmental Management programs and activities.

Banksia is Australia's premier national Environmental Awards. Council competed with fellow finalists Olympic Landcare and the Sustainable Energy Authority of NSW


Strand Winner of the Clean Beach Award for Collex Resource Conservation and Waste Management

The inaugural Townsville State of Environment report is launched.