Community National Tree Day - Saturday 28 &
Sunday 30 July 2007
Tree Day is a strategic event to get the community to come together
and plant trees that are native to Townsville as well as provide
tangible contribution towards enhancing Townsville's natural environment.
Two community tree planting sites were selected for 2007. The community plantings were supported by Greening Townsville - Community
Greening program.
The sites are:
1. MacArthur Drive Park Community Planting - Annandale.
[ Photos of the Planting
] [ Invitation ]
This community planting continued a previous planting undertaken
in the area in April 2007. The planting used local native trees,
shrubs and ground covers to provide amenity, habitat and also to
rehabilitate and revegetate a drainage line, which was recently upgraded
adjacent to the parkland. The planting was held from 9am to 12 noon.
2. Dalrymple Road (cnr of Nathan Street/opposite Bunnings Warehouse)
[ Photos of the Planting ] [ Invitation ]
The Dalrymple Road site was the main focus of activities for
the National Tree Day celebration. A major community tree
planting was held on Sunday 29th July 2007 from 9am - 12 noon.
Around 1000 local native trees, shrubs and ground covers were planted as well as a further 200 tube stocks were available for
volunteers to take home and plant.
The National Tree Day event marks Stage 3 of the Dalrymple
Road Revegetation and Amenity Plantings Project, which is funded
through Community Environment Fund (CEF). CEF is a partnership program
by Powerlink Queensland, Townsville City Council and Thuringowa
City Council. The fund grants funding to successfull environmental
projects in Townsville and Thuringowa.
The National Tree Day plating was one of three community planting
for this site and it aims to soften the impact of the major powerlines
infrastructure along this section of Dalrymple road as well as providing
amenity and green refuge for urban wildlife.
Toyota is a major sponsor of National Tree Day nationally and locally
Mike Carney Toyota supported the Townsville's main event
through in-kind contribution and sponsorship.
The Northern Suburbs Lions Club prepared a sausage sizzle
for all volunteers on the day. Further support from other local
businesses and the local community groups was organised for
this event.
3. A community planting has also be organised for Stuart Creek
(near Southwood Road - Stuart).
This planting was organised by Conservation Volunteers Australia
with local sponsors and scout groups. Council also supported this
planting. The planting aimed to revegetate areas along the banks
of the creek, which were recently cleared from weeds. The Planting was held from 9am - 1pm. Contact Richard Pepper - Conservation Volunteers
Australia on 4721 4077 for other CVA events.
Integrated Sustainability Services 47279520 for additional details.