Within Australia there are many initiatives and projects
that are taking place that are making a difference today and
more importantly ensuring a sustainable future for generations
to come. The Banksia Environmental Foundation,
through our Award Programs, aims to raise the profile of the
current environmental issues facing Australia and recognise
those whose initiatives are an encouragement and an example
for others to follow.
What Banksia provides for our winners and finalists is the
public recognition and acknowledgement for their achievements
that can then be taken back to their community, organisation
or industry and utilised to motivate and assist in providing
the extra impetus for further progress, much needed funding,
public support and furthering the process of increasing environmental
awareness to the rest of Australia.
The following entries are the finalists for the 2006 Banksia Environmental
Awards Prorgam
Winners were announced on the 22nd July 2006. For more
information click here
Awards History:
2005 - 1989 to 2004
down this page to view the finalists of the Banksia Foundation Environmental
Awards 2006.
select from a category below to see the finalists
Prime Minister's Environmentalist of the Year Award
Category 1 Built Environment
Category 2 Climate
Category 3 Eco Innovation
Category 4 Land and Biodiversity
Category 5 Sustainability
Category 6 Water
Category 7 Minerals
Category 8 Community
Category 9 Education
Category 10 Local Government
Category 11 Media
1 Built Environment |
Supported by
for outstanding achievement in the built environment: by incorporating
sustainable development principles and practices; in buildings,
development infrastructure, services, technologies and products.
Australian Building Greenhouse Rating Scheme
Department of Energy Utilities and Sustainability - NSW
Australian Building Greenhouse Rating Scheme (ABGR) scheme allows
building owners and tenants to measure, compare and improve their
greenhouse gas emissions using a simple and intuitive five star
rating scheme. ABGR measures
the greenhouse (and energy) efficiency of a building relative to
its peers. The benchmark is presented as an intuitive rating
on a scale of one to five stars, with one star the lowest efficiency
and five stars the highest. ABGR is widely used by industry
to report performance, and measure
improvements. Developed with
considerable input from the commercial property sector, the ABGR
scheme has led to industry ownership of the program and acted as
a catalyst for change in building design and management practices.
Over 25% of commercial office building floorspace in Australia is
currently rated for greenhouse gas emissions.
C-Air Hillarys
Property Group - WA
Hillarys is an estate located in an established ocean side suburb
of Perth and consists of 87 small to medium sized lots.
specifically designed sustainability assessment system was incorporated
into the design guidelines and a rating system of Bronze, Silver
and Gold encourages construction of environmentally conscious homes.
parkland is watered by an onsite bore via sub-surface irrigation
and is planted with drought resistant species. An innovative
drainage system manages stormwater on site and drains under the
parkland to recharge the aquifer. Innovative multiple level
homes with internal retaining caters for the large slope across
the development rather then external mass retaining. The impressive
central parkland and streetscaping, together with stringent building
design guidelines and unique multi-level lots, combine to provide
a high quality sustainable estate.
Green Building, Green Journey - 36/37 Squadron Headquarters RAAF
of Defence - ACT
In partnership with: Bovis Lend Lease,
Bligh Voller Nield, Carson Group, Baulderstone Hornibrook
Defence core business is the Defence of Australia
and its national interests. The Royal Australian Air Force supports
this function through the Air Lift capability provided by 36 and
37 Squadrons and their C-130 Hercules transport aircraft.
The 36/37 Squadron Headquarters was built to provide 36 and 37 Squadrons
with a combined headquarters building. Constructed at RAAF
Base Richmond, the Green Building Council of Australia Green Star
rating system was adopted as the benchmark for achievement
of sustainability objectives. Including office areas, training
facilities, storage spaces and personnel amenities, the project
was selected as a lighthouse project to showcase and inform Defence’s
wider adoption of green building policy.
Szencorp Takes Sustainable Buildings To The Next Level at 40 Albert
Szencorp - VIC
40 Albert Road is currently Australia’s greenest
office building, setting the standards for sustainability in Australian
commercial buildings. Szencorp’s property sector sustainability
expertise has joined with public and private partners to deliver
an outstanding project. High ambitions and attention to detail
have resulted in best-practice achievements across water, energy,
greenhouse, waste and materials. Szencorp’s commitment to
sharing its knowledge has created enormous interest and growth in
its business activities and efforts as a sustainability advocate.
40 Albert Road leads the Australian market through renovation of
a 20-year-old, low-performing building, setting an example for the
vast majority of commercial properties.
Category 2 Climate |
Supported by

Awarded for outstanding achievement in reducing
greenhouse gas emissions and/or adapting to the impacts of climate
Department of Sustainability & Environment Victoria
In partnership with: Department of Primary Industries,
Catchment Management Authorities
CarbonTender is an innovative “market-like” mechanism,
which facilitates investment in carbon sinks, while also providing
other environmental services–like biodiversity–in a cost-effective
manner. Through CarbonTender, the Victorian Government created
a formal market for carbon offset products by contracting landholders
to establish carbon sinks, through revegetation projects on private
land. Over 3 years, $2.3 million was provided to create cost-effective,
biologically diverse carbon sinks across the state.
Rights to carbon credits were shared between the landholder and
the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment.
The carbon and biodiversity benefits were then secured by long term
registration of the contracts on the land title. The CarbonTender
program is unique to Australia, and is one of the most extensive
trials of a market-based environmental service scheme. For more informaiton:http://www.greenhouse.vic.gov.au/carbontender.htm
CO2 AUSTRALIA™ Carbon Sequestration
The Carbon Sequestration Program (the Program)
involves the establishment of commercial scale, permanent Mallee
eucalypt environmental plantings in partnership with individual
farmers in the high priority revegetation agricultural regions of
Australia, for the dominant purpose of generating carbon credits.
The Program, which is unique and is the Australian market leader
in carbon sequestration, was the first carbon sequestration project
globally, to gain accreditation under any mandatory greenhouse scheme
via it’s accreditation under the NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme
(NSW Scheme). Achieving significant co-investment by
corporate Australia which use the carbon credits produced to meet
their mandatory or voluntary greenhouse targets, to date, CO2 AUSTRALIA
has entered into long term contracts with Origin Energy, Country
Energy and Eraring Energy in relation to the Program. The
Carbon Sequestration Program represents a ground breaking achievement
and provides a significant mechanism by which private sector funding
can be deployed to reduce greenhouse gases and enhance agricultural
practices and natural resource management goals.
Counting Carbon - Forests NSW
Department of Primary Industries - Forests NSW
Forests NSW is the largest grower of planted forests
in Australia with a plantation estate of about 300,000 ha.
Following the Kyoto Protocol’s recognition of the role of forestry
in GHG abatement, Forests NSW began to market its plantation products
and services as emissions offsets and thus needed to develop a credible
tree carbon accounting system to underpin its marketing strategy.
Forests NSW carbon sequestration research and accounting efforts
to date have:
• produced the most sophisticated and dependable carbon accounting
system for forest sequestration projects in the world;
• led the development of Australian and International Standards;
• achieved the world’s first forest carbon trades through a registered
trading scheme;
• sequestered 609,000 tonnes of CO2 pa in Forests NSW eligible plantations;
• attracted large scale private sector investment in new forests
for carbon and timber, with 10,000 hectares of new plantations worth
$30M established which on maturity will have sequestered over 1,000,000
tonnes of CO2.
• drawn domestic interest from prospective buyers of carbon credits
thus providing a vehicle for expansion of the carbon trading market
in Australia;
• enhanced the economics of plantation forestry and reforestation
on a scale that can meaningfully impact on climate change.
National Green Power Accreditation
Department of Energy Utilities and Sustainability -
More that 90% of Australia's electricity currently comes from
fossil fuel fired power stations, with around 10% coming from renewable
sources. Energy use in Australia accounts for around 68% of Australia’s
greenhouse gas emissions making it by far the largest contributor
to our greenhouse gas emissions .
Since its inception in 1997, sales of Green Power through the National
Green Power Accreditation Program have reduced greenhouse gas emissions
from electricity generation by around 2.75 million tonnes.
The program aims to drive investment in renewable energy in Australia,
increasing the sustainability of Australia's electricity supply.
This involves raising awareness of, and ensuring consumer confidence
in, accredited renewable energy products, and increasing their uptake.
There are now over ¼ million households and businesses voluntarily
participating in the Green Power program delivering a 17% upside
on the Australian Government’s Mandatory Renewable Energy Target.
Winning Entry - Click here
Category 3 Eco Innovation
Supported by
Awarded for outstanding projects, practices
and programs that result in: significant increases in the efficiency
of energy and materials usage and /or significant reduction
in resource use, and/or significant reduction in waste generated,
from a life-cycle perspective.
Green Living™ Collection By Sustainable Living
Fabrics - World Leadership in Environmental Textiles
Sustainable Living Fabrics Pty Ltd - VIC
Sustainable Living Fabrics is the only company in the world to have
all its fabrics certified to carry The Ecolabel. Environmental
innovation has been embraced by Sustainable Living Fabrics to provide
an unequivocal “YES” when specifiers ask “Is it really green?”
The Good Environmental Choice Australia Ecolabel Licence rewards
environmental excellence at all stages of production by third party
audit to clearly defined criteria. The ranges are presented as the
Green Living Collection with the achievement being replicated in
5 fabrics currently under audit. They have exceeded the standard
by identifying low pesticide leanwool with 72% less carbon dioxide
equivalents attributed to it than generic wool and up to 12 times
less toxic pesticides. By replacing generic wool with leanwool,
it is estimated they are saving 3,000,000 CO2 equivalents each year.
In one giant leap, Sustainable Living Fabrics have moved from being
a small, conservative player in the contract furnishing industry
to a leader in environmental innovation.
Millmerran Power Project
InterGen (Australia) - QLD
In partnership with Marubeni Corporation;
Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.; GE Energy Financial Services; Energy
Investors Funds (EIF)Group
The Millmerran Power Project is the first in Australia to adopt
leading edge technologies such as supercritical boilers combined
with air cooling, low NOx burners as well as the use of tertiary
treated waste water from the Wetalla Sewerage Treatment Plant. The
$1.5 billion Project is an 840 Mw base-load coal fired power station,
mine and water pipeline located near the township of Millmerran
in south-west Queensland. The eco-efficiencies championed
by the Project have resulted a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions,
a 90% reduction in water use, a 50-70% reduction in NOx emissions
and no water being sourced from surface or groundwater sources on
site. All of these leading edge efficiencies have significantly
reduced the ecological footprint of the Project when compared to
competitor projects. The Project is among the most efficient
power producers in Australia and plays a vital role in supplying
reliable, low-cost electricity to customers in Queensland and beyond.
The " Waterless Wok" Stove - Sydney
Water's "Every Drop Counts" Business Program
Sydney Water Corporation
Since its inception in 2001, Sydney Water’s Every Drop Counts (EDC)
Business Program have delivered 21 megalitres per day of water savings.
This equates to 21 Olympic sized swimming pools. An
audit of an Asian-style restaurant undertaken in April 2003, as
part of the EDC Business Program, highlighted that commercial wok
stoves were intrinsically high water users. With 2,700 identified
wok stoves in operation across Sydney, the EDC Business Program
recognised that this represented a saving of 4,900 million litres
per year, equating to 4,900 Olympic sized swimming pools.
This lead to the development of the unique “Waterless Wok” in 2005
which underwent extensive testing at the Emperor’s Table Restaurant,
North Ryde RSL, demonstrating a reduction of average water consumption
by 5,000 litres of water per wok per day. The “Waterless Wok”
represents a reduction of 90% on the existing design and potential
savings of 4,900 million litres per year across Sydney’s restaurant
sector. Winning Entry - click here.
Womadelaide Zero Waste Program
Womadelaide Foundation Ltd - SA
In partnership with: Zero Waste SA; Grene City; SA Government;
Flinders Bioremediation; Venue Clean
The unique world music festival, WOMADelaide, a world leader in
green events, minimised the environmental impact of the festival
through two unique programs: Zero Waste and Carbon Neutral.
A rigorous monitoring program demonstrated the key to success in
controlling the waste stream. Non-biodegradable material is not
available anywhere on the festival’s site. WOMADelaide
worked closely with five partners, including; Green City – the Adelaide
City Council and Government of South Australia, Zero Waste SA, Flinders
Bioremediation, Venue Clean and Peats Soils. Each partner
provided a unique service which compliments the other and works
towards zero waste. Through our commitment to zero waste,
WOMADelaide aimed to divert all waste from landfill. In only two
years, over 65% of waste has been diverted from landfill, and nearly
10 tonnes of compost produced in the first year of operation. For
more information: http://www.womadelaide.com.au/
Category 4
Land & Biodiversity |
Supported by
Awarded for outstanding achievement
in protecting and enhancing land systems, soil and biodiversity
in Australia’s terrestrial environments: at the species or ecosystem
Back From The Brink: Saving
Victoria's Threatened Orchids
Department of Sustainability & Environment
In partnership with: Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne;
Australasian Native Orchid Society Victorian Group; Parks Victoria;
Melbourne Zoo; University of Melbourne; Victoria University; RMIT
The Victorian threatened orchid recovery project aimed to restore
one of the world’s great temperate terrestrial orchid floras of
which over one-half of the 380 are threatened. The project
covered 80 species of highly threatened orchids, has protected over
150 populations of 50 threatened orchid species, and has saved four
critically endangered orchids from extinction.
The project is a partnership of the Department of Sustainability
and Environment Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, Australasian
Native Orchid Society Victorian group, Parks Victoria, Melbourne
Zoo, University of Melbourne, Victoria University and RMIT University,
backed by a network of over 40 agencies and community groups across
Victoria, interstate and overseas.
“Saving Victoria’s Threatened Orchids” project is unique in Australia
by virtue of the numbers of orchids under protection and organisations
contributing to their conservation. The success to date provides
a solid foundation to continue the work to achieve protection for
all of Victoria’s wild orchids. Winning entry - click here
Evaluation of Management Effectiveness
in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area
Parks & Wildlife Service Tasmania
In partnership with: Resources
Management & Conservation Division, Department Primary Industries
Water & Environment
The State of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Report
provides a structured, evidence-based evaluation of the effectiveness
of management in achieving the objectives of management for this
vast and globally significant reserve in southwest Tasmania.
The report develops and documents:
• measured evidence of management effectiveness against the objectives;
• stakeholders’ assessments and critical comment on management performance;
• proposed actions for enhancing management.
The report has been acclaimed internationally as of immense significance
to World Heritage management practice globally. The report
received the Australasian Evaluation Society’s 2005 Caulley-Tulloch
Prize for best publication in evaluation.
With this report—and its underlying management evaluation system—Tasmania
has set a new global benchmark for informed, effective, and transparent
management of protected areas.
Greening Western Sydney Project
Greening Australia - NSW
In partnership with: Land Management Branch, NSW Department
of Planning
The Greening Western Sydney project is a partnership between the
NSW Department of Planning and Greening Australia to restore the
publicly owned land on Sydney’s urban fringe. It aimed to increase
the extent and improve the condition of Cumberland Plain Woodland
(endangered in both state and federal legislation). Several
rigorous academic studies, having assessed the the project’s success
in re-establishing the biodiversity and ecological processes provided
expertise of restoration activities that have been documented in
the regional best practice guidelines. The community, engaged at
all levels of the restoration, made meaningful contributions through
seed collection, plant propagation and revegetation along with environmental
education activities undertaken in schools throughout the district
and popular wildlife walks to increase the environmental awareness
of the community Since 1992, over 800,000 local provenance
trees, shrubs and groundcovers have been established through mechanical
planting, community tree planting events and direct seeding.
Kuka Kanyini at Watarru
- Caring For Country
Department for Environment and Heritage -
In partnership with: Watarru
Kuka Kanyini is a successful land management project at Watarru
in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands in the far north
west of South Australia. The project is addressing declining
biodiversity by: mapping biodiversity data; restoring and protecting
rockholes; harvesting and monitoring bush foods; removing feral
camels; and the creation of a sanctuary for threatened or preferred
plant and animal species.
Kuka Kanyini is unique because:
• There is a genuine partnership between the Traditional Owners
and the Department for Environment and Heritage.
• It is setting new standards in its marrying of traditional and
contemporary land management knowledge and scientific expertise.
• It is also a vehicle for community development and the revitalising
of relationships and traditional knowledge.
• It is creating employment, providing training and education and
has the potential for significant health and wellbeing benefits.
• It has great potential to be replicated elsewhere in the Lands. For
more information: http://www.awt.com.au/content/publications/ap_final.pdf
Reconnections - Reconnecting
Communities for Conservation
Greening Australia (WA) Inc - WA
In partnership with: Shell Development (Australia) Pty
Greening Australia (WA) and Shell have teamed up for a ‘multiple
outcome’ project, called Reconnections focussing on large scale
re-establishment of bushland to create habitat links and reconnect
isolated ‘islands’ of remnant vegetation. The initiative works
with landholders, including farmers and indigenous groups, to develop
and trial new forms of ‘ecologically supportive’ agriculture.
Reconnections is using the combined skills of both organisations
to reconstruct large tracts of native vegetation in areas strategic
to Gondwana Link, an ambitious project involving Greening Australia
and five other organisations in connecting vegetation and restoring
habitat across the Western Australia’s south west.
Since 2004 Reconnections has
• established almost 400 hectares of native vegetation,
• trialled new technologies for direct seeding,
• developed a new carbon sequestration measurement
program for native systems,
• constructed an indigenous Meeting Place for cultural and environmental
Seeds For Life
Seeds For Life Partnership - QLD
Partnership: Environmental
Protection Agency, Qld; Greening Australia Qld; Australian
Centre for Minerals Extension and Research; The University of Qld;
Griffith University; Brisbane Botanic Gardens; The Board of Trustees
of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; The Millennium Seed Bank Project
Seeds for Life (SfL) is a joint venture between the Millennium Seed
Bank (MSB), a project of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in the United
Kingdom, and a number of Queensland research, non-government organisations
and government bodies, collectively called the Q-Seed Partnership.
The purpose of the SfL joint venture is to improve the conservation
of plant biodiversity through researching the restoration of species
and ecosystems and establish long-term conservation collections
of seed from priority species from Queensland. Over
a six year timeframe, the SfL project will collect at least 1 000
species as seed for storage at both the MSB and in Queensland, and
conduct research into seed quality, storage, and restoration programs.
Category 5 Sustainability |
Supported by

Awarded for outstanding achievements in minimising the
environmental footprint of the company, institution, organisation,
business or government instrumentality.
“Hope For The Future” - The Western
Australian State Sustainability Strategy
WA Government - WA
“Hope for the Future”: The Western Australian State Sustainability
Strategy was the first comprehensive sustainability strategy developed
by an Australian state or territory government – indeed it was the
first in the world at state level. Terence Jeyaretnam, the
Chair of the Australian Environmental Engineering Society in a recent
paper examining sustainability across Australia said: ‘The Western
Australian Government has largely led the discussion on sustainability
through the development of their state sustainability strategy’.
The 300 page Strategy covers 42 areas of government and has had
continued strong support from the Premier and Cabinet. The WA Sustainability
Roundtable recently found that out of the 336 recommendations 92%
were either completed (11%), part of on-going operations (55%),
or underway (26%). Each government agency must now do Sustainability
Action Plans to show how they are reducing ecological footprint
with some spectacular results. Perth’s transformative rail project
is a key part of the Strategy.
Hydro Tasmania: Building a Sustainable
Hydro Tasmania - TAS
Hydro Tasmania is committed to sustainability. It views it as a
proactive strategy that will enable the organisation to achieve
long-term business success and meet community and stakeholder expectations
through the transparent and balanced application of economic, environmental
and social considerations. Hydro Tasmania’s commitment is
being realised through an internationally accredited Environment
and Sustainability Management System (ESMS) that encourages a strategic
and systematic approach to sustainability and environmental management,
and provides a clear process for continual improvement in performance.
The Sustainability Policy is implemented broadly through the organisation’s
general business management and annually, some $8.3 million is spent
on environmental and sustainability management. Hydro Tasmania’s
performance and activities are measured against the principles of
sustainability and benchmarked against industry best practice, with
15 percent of employees directly involved in conducting the annual
sustainability assessment. Hydro Tasmania’s sustainability
assessment and reporting was recognised by the Energy Supply Association
of Australia awarding it the 2005 award for sustainability reporting.
Sustainability is Always in Style at
Instyle Contract Textiles
Instyle Contract Textiles
Pty Ltd - NSW
Instyle Contract Textiles Pty Ltd is a privately-owned company of
approximately 47 people (worldwide) that specialises in the design,
marketing and distribution of contract interior furnishing textiles
– i.e. interior furnishing textiles used in commercial applications
such as offices, healthcare, hospitality, transport etc. INSTYLE
designs and develops its own distinctive range of upholstery and
screen textiles in its award winning Sydney Design Studio which
are then produced by manufacturers located in Australia, New Zealand,
Europe or U.S.A. In 2002 at a national company
conference INSTYLE began the journey to integrate sustainable
practices within the company. Since then the company has made
considerable efforts to reduce its overall ecological footprint.
The company really does walk the talk and has implemented many initiatives
from the design and development of an environmental textile collection,
LIFE (Low Impact For the Environment) Textiles® to achieving an
excellent rating for the office’s environmental performance - As
measured using the University of New South Wales Green Office Rating
Visualising Our Environmental
Australian Arrow Pty Ltd - VIC
As a leading automotive components manufacturer, Australian Arrow
Pty. Ltd. is relentless in its pursuit of the shrinking environmental
footprint. It has a fully integrated approach to managing
its environmental impact, with the key element being the visualisation
of its environmental footprint throughout the workplace.
Commitment to the environment is quite obvious to all visitors and
employees who visit Australian Arrow’s Carrum Downs manufacturing
facility in Melbourne. The message is “loud and clear” -
from the initial environmental awareness signage at the driveway
entrance and visitors’ parking bays, through to the foyer, the office
areas, production and stores areas, culminating with the extensive
“Green Wall” and “Recycling Supermarket” , which is used for environmental
awareness, induction and training. The Japanese philosophy
of a well organised and VISUAL workplace has been a fundamental
driver behind the level of environmental awareness at Australian
Arrow, harnessed towards environmental management with great success,
to create a uniquely environmental visual workplace. Winning Entry
- click here
Category 6 Water |
Supported by

Awarded for outstanding achievement in protecting or
enhancing Australia’s water resources including freshwater and marine
Carpentaria Ghost Nets Programme
Northern Gulf Resource Management
Group - QLD
Ghost Nets are fishing nets that have been lost, discarded or simply
abandoned at sea, drifting with the currents and tides for decades
continuing to catch and kill fish and other marine wildlife.
The Carpentaria Ghost Nets Programme is an alliance of indigenous
rangers groups, non-government organisations and government agencies
in northern Australian to stop the ghost nets in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
The programme helps to resource indigenous communities in both Qld
and NT. to cleanup the large accumulation of nets on the coastal
fringe of the Gulf. During cleanups, rangers identify
the likely origin of the nets by examining its size, shape and construction
materials. From information collected so far over 90% of these
nets originate from SE Asian fisheries. To date the rangers
have removed 5,148 meters of net thus preventing them re-entering
the ocean and continuing their killing spree. Winning entry
- click here
Coastal CRCs Wetland Science-Into-Policy Project
CRC for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management
Wetlands are vital elements of the marine-freshwater continuum but
often are overlooked due to a lack of understanding of their value
and important ecosystem services. This project used a dedicated
and innovative process to combine cutting-edge scientific knowledge
with input from policy and planning experts to package this information
into conceptual models describing wetlands ecosystems and a web
portal. The project outputs are used in policy and planning
processes relating to wetlands management by state and regional
natural resource management organisations. The Intergovernmental
Wetlands Taskforce (comprising state and Commonwealth organisations)
have adopted the models and web portal and arranged for their ongoing
development after the life of this project. The greatest benefit
of the project was overcoming one of the greatest barriers to the
inclusion of scientific knowledge in planning and policy processes:
uncertainty. The models represent current wetlands understanding
agreed between scientists and stakeholders, providing greater certainty
for decision-makers.
First International Marine Protected
Areas Congress (IMPAC 1)
IMPAC 1 Organising Committee - VIC
In partnership with: Parks Victoria, Great Barrier Reef
Park Authority, World Conservation Union, World Commission on Protected
Areas, Australian Department of Environment and Heritage, Australian
Fisheries Management Authority
In 2002 Australia, as an acknowledged world leader in marine
conservation, was approached to host an international congress specifically
on marine protected areas (MPAs) with the endorsement of IUCN and
WCPA. An organising committee was established comprising
representatives of Parks Victoria (which provided project management),
Great Barrier Reef Marine Parks Authority (which provided technical
program coordination), Australian Department of Environment &
Heritage and Australian Fisheries Management Authority, together
with the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and its World Commission
on Protected Areas (WCPA) to plan and stage the congress (IMPAC1).
Significant sponsorship was generated including funding to assist
delegates from developing countries attend
A successful high quality program resulted which utilised electronic
submission and assessment techniques which allowed international
review by a panel of experts.
Millmerran Power Project
InterGen (Australia) - QLD
In partnership with Marubeni Corporation;
Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.; GE Energy Financial Services; Energy
Investors Funds (EIF)Group
Water conservation is one of the most important issues facing Australia
and the world and the Millmerran Power Project, located in
S/W Queensland, is at the forefront of its industry in reducing
its impact on water resources. Leading edge environmental
innovations to protect surface water and groundwater resources have
resulted in the saving of approximately 15 ML per day along with:
• air cooling reducing water consumption by 90%;
• utilising recycled water supplied from Wetalla Sewage Treatment
Plant for;
• no water taken from surface water or groundwater resources;
• all run off water retained and reused on site, via a system of
drainage channels and dams; and
• fully enclosed conveyors over creeks reduced the risk of fugitive
dust emissions and spillages into Back Creek.
The $1.5 billion Project is an 840 Mw base-load power is among the
most efficient power producers in Australia playing a vital role
in supplying reliable, low-cost electricity to customers in Queensland
and beyond. Winning entry - click here
Outstanding Achievement in Environmental Education,
Innovation and Sustainability
Townsville City Council - QLD
Townsville City Council Environmental Management Services (TCCEMS)
in partnership with Council Engineers and the community has been
exploring integrated, innovative and sustainable practices and partnerships
of Total Water Cycle Management in the Coastal Dry Tropics from
Creek to Coral. Townsville incorporates valuable ecosystems of Ramsar-listed
freshwater wetlands and the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Marine Park
and World Heritage Area. Our proximity to the GBR is
a key driver to implementing innovative and future-thinking solutions
to maintaining and enhancing the quality of our freshwater and marine
environments through our Total Water Cycle Management Initiative
(TWCMI). This is done through three key areas of operation: Engineering
and Infrastructure, Community and Education and finally Partnerships
and Knowledge Networks. Integral to achieving successful protection
and enhancement of our local freshwater and marine environments
is our triple-bottom-line approach of Environmental, Social and
Economic success in wetlands and waterways management and protection.
For more information: http://www.townsville.qld.gov.au/awards.asp
Category 7
Minerals |
Supported by

Awarded to a company in the minerals
industry that has demonstrated leadership, commitment and excellence
in contributing to Australia’s sustainable future through the safety
and health of its workforce and the communities in which it operates,
and the effective integration of wealth creation, environmental
stewardship and social responsibility.
Integration of Sustainability Into the Boyne Smelters' Capital
Projects Management System
Boyne Smelters Limited
Integrating sustainable development into decision-making is one
of the major sustainability challenges facing industries today.
Boyne Smelters Limited (BSL) has developed the Project Environmental
Effects Study (PEES) system to embed an understanding of potential
impacts and sustainability considerations of employee health, environmental
or community issues prior to design stages and well before any requests
for capital funding and approvals are submitted. Considerations
for pre-feasibility planning on capital works often involves detailed
technical and engineering studies, so rarely in the minerals industry
in Australia have companies embraced the opportunity to make the
most of the pre-feasibility environment to understand potential
impacts of capital works on employee health, the environment or
community considerations.BSL’s multi-disciplinary approach to capital
project pre-feasibility allows for sustainable development considerations
to be integrated into business decision-making structures, creating
sustainable value from our resources and our relationships.
Sustainable Mining at Tiwest Cooljarloo
Tiwest - WA
Tiwest has deployed significant resources to achieve excellent and
continually improving environmental performance at Cooljarloo Mine.
The sustainable management of clay slimes, the achievement of high
quality rehabilitation on constructed landforms, and the management
of water abstraction to protect ground-water dependent vegetation
are all noteworthy. Tiwest has forged strong partnerships
with key stakeholders to secure enduring regional benefits including
an 11 year partnership with the Billinue Aboriginal Corporation
who provide local provenance seed for mine-site rehabilitation.
Tiwest has also supported the CALM Western Shield fox baiting programme
for the past 6 years enabling the release of locally extinct Woylies,
Tammar Wallabies and Quenda into nearby Nambung National Park.
The Nightstalk Marsupial spotlighting programme with the Perth Zoo
has engaged the local community and workforce in fauna conservation.
Partnerships with local schools have provided environmental education
to children and eliminated historical regional legacies such un-rehabilitated
Shire borrow pits. Winning Entry - click here
Category 8 Community |
Supported by
Awarded for leadership, commitment &
excellence in protecting & enhancing the Australian environment.
"From Little Things Big Things Grow"
Ravenswood Community Garden - TAS
The Ravenswood Community Garden (RCG) is a grass roots community
development model that has for the past decade utilised a working
garden as the vehicle to promote better choices for the environment
and for individuals, social change, capacity building and community
connections. RCG started as a project within the successful
Walk Tall Association in 1996 and has now 'grown' into a progressive,
empowering simple model that strongly advocates the local community
being the leaders in making positive and long term changes for the
future of their community. Our mission statement is
"providing opportunities for people to grow and succeed" and our
programs are designed to assist people reframe how they view success,
to develop social and employability skills and to connect people
with their communities, their environment leading to a self belief
that each of us can make a difference.
Naragebup: Leading The Way
Naragebup Rockingham Regional Environment Centre (Inc)
- WA
Naragebup continues to exemplify committed leadership and excellence
in its dedication to protect the Australian Environment.
The heart and currency of Naragebup
is its volunteers and more than 100 of them run Naragebup on a day
to day basis.
A unique enterprise, Naragebup
is a truly community owned, run and managed organisation which receives
no core funding and yet manages to educate over 25,000 people a
year about the environment. Using a variety of methods; theory,
hands-on activities, publications and practical demonstrations,
a vast amount environment based knowledge covering a large number
of subjects is absorbed by visitors. Sheer passion and dedication ensures this Sustainability
Icon, now in its 10th year of operation, will remain a leader, helping
people to make wiser living choices and move toward a brighter future
for themselves, their families and their community.
“What is a Vision? It is a
compelling image of an achievable future.” Bob Goodale
The Tree Scheme - Community Based
Environmental Initiative
Trees For Life - SA
Trees For Life was formed by a group of concerned volunteers in
1981, with the primary purpose of protecting South Australia's land
from becoming even drier and more eroded through revegetation.
In order to persuade landowners to create more tree cover, the Tree
Scheme provided seedlings to landholders at below cost. Now
in its 25th year, Trees For Life has developed programs in response
to community demand and environmental need. Trees For Life
has over 10,000 members, of these over 6000 are involved in a volunteer
capacity. Some 1250 are volunteer growers, whereas others
contribute through bushland management, seed collection, seed packaging,
distribution of materials, mail outs and office work.
Community driver, non-political and not for profit, Trees For Life
is the largest volunteer organisation of its type in Australia.
Each year over 1 million seedlings are grown, and to date over 27
million seedlings have been propagated. Winning Entry - click here
West Coast Weed and Fire Strategy
West Coast Weed and Fire Management Group - TAS
The West Coast Weed and Fire Management Group (WCWFMG) has made
significant contributions to the protection and enhancement of the
Tasmanian environment through their continued efforts to implement
the West Coast Weed and Fire Strategy (WCWFS).
Through consistent efforts over many years aimed at building effective,
cooperative, partnerships, WCWFMG has become a respected, well-managed
organisation with representatives from all levels of the community.
It is also well funded, is implementing a dynamic suite of on-ground
environmental projects throughout the municipality and has a long-term
future. WCWFMG is transforming the West Coast landscape,
improving the amenity and experience of residents and visitors and
returning degraded land to a productive state. Processes designed
to promote participation and ownership of the strategy at all levels
of the West Coast community will continue to be the cornerstone
of success of WCWFMG
Category 9 Education |
Supported by

Awarded for outstanding achievement
in the development and delivery of educational programs, that contribute
to the protection, enhancement and sustainability of the Australian
Flinders Christian Community College and South East Water
kick goals in water recycling
South East Water - VIC
In partnership with: Flinders Christian Community
Flinders Christian Community College partnered with South East Water
to develop an innovative irrigation system where recycled water
is pumped 1.5 kilometres from the South Eastern Outfall to the school’s
campus in Carrum Downs and then supplemented with stormwater from
the roof of the school buildings and used to irrigate the sports
grounds. The school has also integrated learnings into its
education curriculum, with emphasis on sustainability along with
a predictive digital weather station, linked to the Year 9 laptop
program, incorporated into the school’s agricultural studies.
Funding for the project came from Flinders Christian Community College,
South East Water and a grant from the Victorian Government’s
Stormwater and Urban Water Conservation Fund. It is
estimated that the school will cut its water use by 30 million litres
each year and potentially by up to 50 million litres of water when
extra sporting facilities are developed.
Great Gardens Community Environmental
Education Program
Landcare Solutions - WA
In partnership with: Swan River Trust, Water Corporation,
Nursery and Garden Industry Association WA
The WA Environment Award winning Great Gardens program is an innovative
environmental education package achieving sustainable behaviour
change to protect Perth’s major waterway the Swan and Canning river
system. Using community-based social marketing principles,
the program began as a series of innovative community workshops
providing practical river friendly environmental practices for individuals
to create sustainable gardens. By working with local government,
conservation groups and the gardening industry in WA, the program
has now achieved significant organisational changes in sustainable
landuse management and property development.
The program is supported by the Swan River Trust, the Water Corporation
and the Nursery and Gardening Industry Association WA.
The success of the program has influenced the development of new
technologies and increased environmental education opportunities
in WA. Since its launch in September 2003, by the Minister
for the Environment WA, more than 10,000 people have participated
in the program making it the largest and most successful project
of its kind in the state.
Knowledge & Skills for Sustainability
Sustainability Victoria and NSW Department of Environment
and Conservation - VIC & NSW
The Knowledge and Skills for Sustainability project developed
three core national vocational training sustainability standards
where there were none. Sustainability Victoria and NSW Department
of Environment and Conservation and their partners have provided
a significant contribution to the VET sector and training for industry.
These new standards will equip the Australian workforce to better
address the sustainability and environmental challenges facing industry
and commerce today and into the future. The Competencies have
received national endorsement and acceptance by the 10
Industry Skills councils. It is estimated that more than 1.7
million students or about 13% of the working age population take
part in vocational education and training every year. This
world first will leave an environmental legacy providing the knowledge
and skills that will change the behaviour and capacity of business
and industry to become sustainable.
Sustainable Landscapes: looking after
the future - SA
Botanic Gardens of Adelaide: Department for Environment
and Heritage
In partnership with: SA Water; Land Management Corporation;
Delfin Lend Lease; Adelaide & Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources
Management Board
The Sustainable Landscapes project is a collaborative partnership
that educates and assists the South Australian community to adapt
to a world in which we must use resources more efficiently, develop
sustainability skills and employ best practice environmental principles
in all that we do. The project practically demonstrates and
promotes appropriate park and garden design, plant species selections
and sustainable horticultural practices for South Australian environments
including effective, efficient and appropriate water use. It leads
the direction of sustainable public and private landscapes in South
Australia. This project integrates research, demonstration, communication
and education. Seminars, forums, workshops, conference presentations,
poster presentations, brochures, website, use of electronic and
print media, and well-interpreted demonstration landscapes all contribute
to the project’s education and communication activities.
The Sustainable Landscapes project is a true partnership, not only
between its major funding partners, but also in its vigorous engagement
with every sector of the community including business and industry,
government, schools, universities and home gardeners.
The Food Forest -
A Model for Sustainability
The Food Forest - SA
The Food Forest is a learning centre, home and farm demonstrating
the practicalities of living sustainably. Building an
environmentally responsible home, recycling its waste, capturing
rain water and renewable energy, growing and transforming organic
food and caring for the environment are things we all need to do.
The Food Forest shows Australians how they can do them through a
unique education and public access program based on an urban farm.
It has been a beacon of truly sustainable development for 20 years,
showing how passion for the environment can be married with viable
business aims and education concepts.
Village Green's Sustainable
Business Management Model
Village Green Environmental Solutions - VIC
Village Green is a dynamic multi-disciplined consulting house, specialising
in sustainable management and change systems for the small business
and retail sectors. The first research undertaken by Village
Green in 2001 focused on the delivery of waste management services
to Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), especially those in
retail shopping strips. This research determined the focus
of Village Green - the development of a systematic process for conducting
business with a quadruple bottom line outcome. That is, taking
into account economic, social, cultural and environmental concerns.
Village Green is now the leader in its field, educating SMEs to
achieve positive environmental and economic outcomes, with a strong
community focus along with reducing their environmental impact and
associated business running costs. Winning Entry - click
Category 10 Local
Government |
Supported by:

Awarded for outstanding achievement by a local government
authority, in the development and implementation of environmentally
sustainable initiatives.
80% Diversion is Fairfield City's Reality
Fairfield Council - NSW
In partnership with: NSW Environmental Solutions
Fairfield City Council has achieved remarkable environmental outcomes
by initiating the processing of its domestic waste using innovative
and world's best practice natural biological waste processing (UR-3R
process) incorporating ESD principles.
The UR-3R uses cutting edge technology and is self-sufficient in
energy and water, using liquid captured on-site and generating enough
green energy to meet its own needs and feed the rest back into the
power grid. The results are remarkable, with a diversion of
up to 80% of Fairfield City's domestic waste from landfill, quality
compost made to AS 4454 standards from garden and kitchen wastes
and huge reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. In addition,
recyclables inadvertently placed in the garbage are recovered and
recycled. This innovative solution provides Fairfield Council
with the highest net value from its waste and secures long term
sustainable waste processing. 80% Diversion is Fairfield
City's Reality.
Blackwattle Bay Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program
City of Sydney - NSW
The Blackwattle Bay Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program is the
most comprehensive of its kind to use triple bottom line principles
in the design and implementation of stormwater pollution abatement
measures at a Local Government level. A strategy was developed
which identified key issues, not-spots and opportunities for improved
stormwater management within Blackwattle Bay based upon investigation
of organisational, social and physical interations in the catchment.
The strategy, which sought agreement between internal and external
stakeholders, led to the implementaiton of a multitude of measures
working with the business sector, residents and Council staff to
deliver an improved understanding and behaviour in regard to stormwater
management in the catchment. Major outcomes include application
of water sensitive urban design principles, improved maintenance
and cleansing operations, review of planning controls, education
and training, business assessments, advocacy and partnerships.
Currie Sewage Treatment Wetlands
King Island Council - TAS
In partnership with: Syrinx Environmental
This project demonstrates that tertiary sewage treatment using a
relatively simple wetland system is an environmentally and economically
sustainable solution for small communities throughout Australia.
While there was some initial community concern with the wetland
location adjacent to the township of Currie and in view of nearby
residences, a motel and restaurant, the project has demonstrated
that by integrating a passive system with the surrounding natural
environment, these systems can enhance rather than detract from
the aesthetics of an area. The Currie Sewage Treatment Wetlands,
commissioned early this year, provide passive treatment of wastewater
in a coastal dune setting. It has provided an innovative and
sustainable solution to the treatment of wastewater for this small
residential community and represent a technique which could potentially
be applied throughout Australia. As well as contributing to
the landscape aesthetic and habitat values of the environment they
provide an opportunity to meet the requirements of authorities without
the need to construct highly sophisticated and expensive systems
Winning Entry - click here
Randwick City Council's Sustaining Our City and City Plan Initiatives
Randwick City Council - NSW
Randwick City, located within the Sydney metropolitan area, has
over the past 12 months undertaken substantial community consultation
to prepare its 20-year City Plan that provides the framework to
manage the diverse range of social, environmental and economic pressures
and drivers facing Randwick Council over the next 20 years.
Randwick’s Sustaining our City initiative, funded through a 5-year
environmental levy, provides dedicated funding for environmental
improvements and sustainability initiatives across the City.
Some of the broader results include installation of an additional
100,000 litres of rainwater storage and 350,000 litres of wastewater
storage for re-use across Council and a further 280,000 litres of
wastewater treatment is underway. Council’s current wastewater
treatment system has saved 3.5 million litres of potable water since
2005. Council has also distributed 55,000 energy efficient
globes to residents, free-of-charge over a 3 month period, providing
energy bill savings of $2.4 million and greenhouse gas savings equivalent
to removing more than 5500 cars from our roads.
Sustainable Snow Sport: The Long Term Sustainable Growth of Hotham
Mt Hotham Alpine Resort Management Board and Mt Hotham Skiing
Co - VIC
Australia’s highest Alpine Resort, Hotham, operates “…. In a manner
that is environmentally sustainable and economically viable for
the social benefit of current and future generations.” Hotham’s
Sustainable Snow Sport achieves this by its:
1. Planning Scheme sustaining outstanding Alpine values;
2. reduced growth to sustain endangered species;
3. core business is sustainability, measured and reported;
4. sustainable skifield development;
5. Resort-wide Environmental Management Plan
6. sustainable waste management and recycling;
7. energy efficiencies;
8. exceeding native vegetation requirements, and ‘weed-free’ by
9. Stormwater Management Plan and Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines;
10. innovative sewage recycling for snow-making.
**Please note that this particular entry was given
special permission to enter under this category as it is the alternative
to a Local Government authority in its locale.
Category 11 Media |
Supported by:

Awarded for outstanding achievement in investigating and
reporting on the protection, enhancement and sustainability of the
Australian environment.
Climate Change: Icons Under Threat - Melissa Fyfe and Simon O'Dwyer,
The Age Newspaper
Melissa Fyfe and Simon O'Dwyer - VIC
In partnership with: The Age Newspaper
Climate Change: Icons Under Threat was a ground-breaking five-part
series featured in The Age on how climate change will threaten Australia's
most treasured natural assets. The series which focussed on the
Murray River, Kakadu, the Alps, the Great Barrier Reef and Queensland's
wet tropical rainforests both made global warming's impact real
and presented complex science in an accessible way. Winning entry
- click here.
ECOS Magazine
CSIRO Publishing - VIC
ECOS, originally recognised for 30 years of excellence in environmental
science reporting, is Australia's magazine on sustainability in
the environment, industry and community, published bi-monthly by
CSIRO both in print and online formats. Its main objectives
are to:
• Invigorate discussion on the environment and current issues relating
to sustainable development;
• Explain the significance of environmental research and research
aimed at sustainable development;
• Promote the cost benefit of environmental research and research
aimed at sustainable development;
• Show how industry and the community can benefit from taking up
innovation to better meet the growing demands for reduced environmental
impacts; and
• Promote the excellence of research innovation and underscore the
value of investment in Australian science.
ECOS, available in newsagents across Australia and New Zealand and
via CSIRO Publishing’s website, brings general readers and decision
makers informative, rewarding reading on key sustainability issues
from across Australia and the Asia Pacific region.
"More Than A River"
Highland Productions International Pty Ltd - VIC
In partnership with: Murray Darling Basin Commission
The watercourse we call The Murray has existed for 60 million years.
White settlers have utilised it, as a lifeline, for only 200 years,
but now it’s on the brink. In the show “More Than A River”
host, Dermott Brereton, travels down the length of the River Murray,
most of the Darling and through areas of the Murray-Darling Basin
to talk with those who best tell the rivers’ story – from high country
rangers to aboriginal elders and fishermen at Lake Alexandrina,
conservationists and salinity experts in between and fruit and cotton
growers as far north as Bourke and southern Queensland. Some
of the areas covered included the battle between the endangered
Murray Cod and the European Carp; drought-affected pastoralists
in outback Australia and the chronic salinity that causes a million
tonnes of salt each year to wash along the Murray’s shores.
The show demonstrated how our demands for water are leading to degradation
of the rivers, but, also, illustrates the success stories from irrigators
who have learnt how to restore wetlands and maximise the most valuable
resource in Australia today – water.
Prime Minister's Environmentalist
of the Year Award |
Award Partner:

Awarded to any Australian individual, organisation or group,
for a project, programme or other activity that has contributed
to the protection and understanding of Australia’s significant natural,
historic or Indigenous places or environments.
Dancing and the Devil Fire - Uncovering the Hidden History of the
Cultural Heritage Steering Committee - VIC
In partnership with: Parks Victoria, DSE Vic; Aboriginal
Affairs Vic; Traditional Owners - Gunai, Kurnai, Monero, Bidawal,
Ngorgo, Taugurung, Duhdhuroa, Waveroo, Mungabareena & Jaithmathang;
Legislative Aboriginal Communities - Bangerang Cultural Centre Co-operative,
The Post Wild-fire Indigenous Cultural Heritage Program – Surveys
and Site Protection 2004-05 was an audio-visual production project
in the broader post alpine fire recovery program. The Alpine
area of Victoria is significant to all Australians for its unique
landscape and heritage values but the extent of the connection to
aboriginal communities was not well known or understood. The archaeological
survey work uncovered thousands of artefacts and numerous sites
and enabled indigenous communities to reconnect with the country
and be involved in uncovering its hidden history. This audio-visual
production was adopted to capture cultural values and share these
voices to wider audiences in a highly accessible format – DVD.
The story, based on parallel schemas of Indigenous knowledge and
scientific evidence, rewrites the understanding of the Victorian
Alps as a complex cultural landscape with very significant heritage
values for contemporary Indigenous communities and all Australians.
Establishing a National Network of Places for Australia's Endangered
Australian Wildlife Conservancy - WA
Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) is an independent, non-profit
organisation that has established a network of 14 wildlife sanctuaries
around Australia, covering a remarkable 917,000 hectares.
AWC sanctuaries protect a diversity of habitats including rainforest,
tropical savanna, desert woodlands and mangrove-lined lagoons.
These sanctuaries provide refuge for many of Australia’s most endangered
species including Bilbies, Gouldian Finches, Northern Bettongs,
Cassowaries, the Princess Parrot and the Bridled Nailtail Wallaby.
Overall, AWC sanctuaries protect:
• Over 250 ecosystems or vegetation types.
• Over 250 threatened species.
• AWC manages more feral predator-free land than anyone else on
mainland Australia.
• AWC has conducted more than 30 translocations of threatened mammals.
By raising significant donations from the private sector, and translating
that philanthropic goodwill into on-ground conservation, AWC is
helping define a new model for conservation in Australia – a model
that promises new hope for our threatened wildlife. Winning Entry
- click here
Kevin F Kenneally
Landscope Expeditions - WA
Since their inception in 1992, Kevin Kenneally has been the Scientific
Coordinator of LANDSCOPE Expeditions, a programme offered by the
Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management
(CALM) in association with UWA Extension, a Centre for Continuing
Education at The University of Western Australia. Some 70
research expeditions involving over 900 volunteers have been successfully
completed raising $1.7 million of community funding for scientific
research in remote areas helping CALM achieve its mission in identifying
areas of outstanding heritage value, as well as rare and threatened
species and communities throughout Western Australia. Paying
volunteers, the private sector, a local university and the State
conservation agency – all work in partnership to carry out much
needed research to ensure a sustainable resource for future generations.
Kevin Kenneally believes LANDSCOPE Expeditions integrated approach
to conservation research in Western Australia, combined with the
strategic alliances it has formed with the community, is the way
of the future.
Kuka Kanyini at Watarru - Caring For Country
Department for Environment and Heritage - SA
In partnership with: Watarru Community
Kuka Kanyini is a successful land management project at Watarru
in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands in the far north
west of South Australia. The project is addressing declining
biodiversity by: mapping biodiversity data; restoring and protecting
rockholes; harvesting and monitoring bush foods; removing feral
camels; and the creation of a sanctuary for threatened or preferred
plant and animal species.
Kuka Kanyini is unique because:
• There is a genuine partnership between the Traditional Owners
and the Department for Environment and Heritage.
• It is setting new standards in its marrying of traditional and
contemporary land management knowledge and scientific expertise.
• It is also a vehicle for community development and the revitalising
of relationships and traditional knowledge.
• It is creating employment, providing training and education and
has the potential for significant health and wellbeing benefits.
• It has great potential to be replicated elsewhere in the Lands.