Ross River to Cleveland Bay foreshore |
Multiple catchments |
- Wildlife habitat corridor: Riparian Corridor - Major drainage line
- Contiguous Habitat Corridors
- Heritage Listing and Zoning: Some National Park areas and GBRMP
General Use' A' and General Use 'B' areas
- Natural Habitat Quality: Disturbed Habitat, Transformed and/or
Degraded Habitat
- Conservation value: High - Very High
- Low and high density seagrass beds in Cleveland Bay
- Yabby banks at Ross River mouth
- Relatively intact mosaic of coastal/foreshore habitats
- Specific habitat richness eg: nesting beach curlews, cane bushlands,
bat colonies
- Habitat for estuarine crocodiles
- Sewerage disposal
- Encroachment of industrial development
- Weeds
- Land reclamation
- Littering and illegal dumping
- Development controls are required to manage intensive development
within catchments draining to this coastal wetland
- Adequate buffers need to be maintained between the site and
intensive land uses such as industrial or urban development
(not yet defined)
1. RIKES (1990) p35,376. 2. Wetlands of Townsville (1996) Report 96/28
p8-9. 3. Townsville - Thuringowa Strategy Plan (1996) - NCDP p65,69
Appendix 2, Figure 1,2 and 5. 4. ANCA (1996). 5. GBRMPA
Zoning |