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Townsville City Council
Sustainability & Environmental
Excellence Awards 2007


Message from the Mayor of Townsville

The Townsville City Council, in its commitment to the sustainable management of our environment, has established the Sustainability and Environmental Excellence Awards. These awards are designed to recognise those individuals, groups, business and industrial sectors of our community, for their efforts in environmental protection, conservation and sustainable management. The awards are also designed to encourage and motivate the community in caring for our environment.

Council recognises the achievements of the community in environmental management and wants to formally congratulate those involved. I urge you to participate in these awards for the greater awareness of Environmental Management within Townville.


Award Categories

1. Sustainability in Business Award
$1000 + framed certificate

For innovative schemes undertaken, facilitated or planned by Business and Industry, whether they be simple or complex, that strives to improve the quality of the environment or contribute to sustainability or nature conservation in Townsville. This may be in relation to energy or water savings, environmental designs for the tropics, water quality, pollution control, or an environmental product or service.

2. Individual Initiative Award
$500 Prize Package + framed certificate
Prize Package Sponsored by the Northern Suburbs Lions Club.

For an individual who has made a significant contribution towards environmental protection and improvement in Townsville. This is an award of recognition of a person who has worked tirelessly to improve our natural environment. Examples include dedication to environmental programs, volunteer time on environmental projects, working with and leading the community on environmentally-based projects outside of normal work or business requirements.

3. Neighbourhood/Local Resident Award
$250 Prize Package + framed certificate

For an individual who has made contributions towards environmental protection and improvement at a local neighbourhood level. This is an award of recognition of a person or small neighbourhood group who have worked on a local scale to improve a piece of our City. Examples include being part of a neighbourhood revegetation project, volunteering time on small community environmental projects or volunteering time at community environmental events.

4. Community Group Award
$1000 + framed certificate

For a community group that has made a significant contribution towards environmental improvement, nature conservation or sustainability in Townsville. Example projects are restoring local vegetation, environmental monitoring, community education, ecological fire management, water quality etc.

5. Junior Schools Award – Pre-School & Primary Schools
$500 + framed certificate

For projects, programs or plans which foster environmental awareness and involvement for Townsville Pre-School and Primary School students. This may be in relation to native vegetation restoration, recycling, energy savings, water quality, sustainability, wildlife programs etc.

6. Senior Schools Award – High School, TAFE & University
$500 + framed certificate

For projects, programs or plans which foster environmental awareness and involvement for Townsville secondary, TAFE and University students. This may be in relation to native vegetation restoration, recycling, energy savings, water quality, sustainability, wildlife programs etc.

Click here to download the Environmental Awards Application Form 07

Contact Details:

Environmental Management Services

Sri Suryati

Tel: 4727 9314


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