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Dry Tropics Biodiversity Group, Inc.

Group Aim: To inform, educate and enthuse people about the value of sustaining the greater Townsville region's biodiversity and to ensure the implementation of a balanced approach to it's conservation

Patterson Gorge, Black River catchment


  1. Web based Local Plant "Hot Spots" (sites and photos)
  2. Broad Ecosystems (Townsville-Thuringowa)
  3. Project alignment with Community NRM Plan (Townsville)
  4. Regional Environmental Weed Management Approach/Strategy for wetland weeds (hymancheme/alemon/paragrass); and gamba grass/mission grass


Members skills and interests:


Broad Objectives :

Click top visit the Dry Tropics Biodiversity Group Home page

  • Plant ID botantist, Botanists, Engineers, Geologist, Nursey manager, and others

  • Currently 12 ecological and land management enthuisatists

  • Partnerships
  • Education and awareness
  • information data systems and monitoring
  • Managing on ground projects including broad regional planning
    • Biodiversity asset management
    • Sustainable development (categorised by industry or land use)
  • Facilitating resources, administration and improving NRM legislation

Projects (planning and current, 10-15 year plan)

  1. Greater Regional (local native) Botanic Gardens
  2. 250 km Wet Tropics Great Walk (Townsville Section)
  3. Greater Region Plant Identification System
  4. First 100 sq km community biodiversity landscape management via access, awareness, trails, monitoring, weeding and promotion
  5. Community biodiversity observation and recording system
  6. Manage and promote control of Nationally Significant Environmental Weeds
  7. Urban Heritage and riparian corridor revegetation and management
  8. Promoting sustainable natural resource use

Bluewater Gorge, Thuringowa

Group & Member Achievements

  1. Produced 60,000 plant observations systematically through the region, 15,000 slides of plants/ecosystems.
  2. Produced publication on 1500 plant species found in the Townsville region.
  3. Web-based Local Plant "Hot Spots" interpretation, including vegetation lists and interp photos for 20 local sites in Townsville.
  4. Planted and established 1500 local provenance plants, of 150 species at Riverbend Sanctuary (Ross River) in partnership with Delfin and Townsville City Council, representing four broad regional ecosystems (BREs) for Townsville region.
  5. Reworked regional ecosystems into broad ecosystems to communicate a terrestrial biodiversity regional overview for Townsville 1:250,000 map sheet to target general public and enthusiasts (making the environment relevant).
  6. Developed a regional environmental weed management plan.
  7. Convened Townsville Trails Steering Committee (Wet Tropics Great Walk) including botanical surveying, extensive route assessment, regional trails plan, in partnership with others (Townsville Bushwalking Club and QPWS).
  8. Developed concept of community management of 100 sq km "top of catchment" as a community based capacity building exercise as pilot for larger land NRM management projects.
  9. Developing vision, preliminary concepts and places for an integrated Greater Regional (local native) Botanic Gardens.
  10. Developed a Regional Overview Interpretation for 5 core biodiversity/nrm subjects

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