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Solander Road Fishway
for Pipe Culverts

Prototype Culvert Fishways
Fishwatch Townsville

James Cook University

Construction Management: Facilities Management Office

Design & Development: School of Engineering
Fishway Fabrication: Stuart Petersen
Designer: Ross Kapitzke

This fishway was officially opened in June 2006 by the then Councillor Tony Mooney, Mayor of the City of Townsville at the time, and Professor Bernard Moulden, Vice Chancellor of James Cook University.

Demonstration Facility for Fish Passage & Campus Sustainability

The Solander Road fishway forms part of a network of prototype fishways established on University Creek as part of a Research and Development project by JCU School of Engineering to design and evaluate fishway to overcome fish migration barriers at road-waterway crossings.

University Creek is the largest and least altered tributary entering the lower reaches of Ross River. The upper reaches of the creek on the JCU Douglas campus provide prime spawning and growth habitat for at least 13 native fish species which migrate upstream during wet season stream flow events.

University Creek  Catchment



The Solander Road prototype culvert fishway allows fish migration to upstream reaches of University Creek. Provision is made for adaptation and testing of the various fishway components, which include:

ZONE A: Rock ramp / cascade fishway

ZONE B: Apron sill / baffle fishway

ZONE C: Pipe spoiler / baffle fishway

ZONE D: Culvert inlet / fishway exit






Through integration of research, facilities management, and community involvement, the prototype culvert fishways on University Creek provide a practical contribution to sustainability on the JCU Douglas Campus.

Construction of Solander Road prototype fishway for pipe culverts

Detailed design of the fishway involved configuration and sizing of all components. Two alternative baffle fishway designs have been included in the culvert barrel (Zone C) to allow evaluation of the relative merits of these designs. The fishway facility provides for hydraulic and biological monitoring of the fishway components, adaptation and testing of prototype designs, and replacement with alternative components as required during operation and monitoring.

Excavator placing downstream rock cascade fishway (08/12/05) Downstream rock cascade fishway complete (17/12/05) Fabrication of baffle fishway in culvert barrel (14/12/05)
Excavator placing downstream rock cascade fishway (08/12/05) Downstream rock cascade fishway complete (17/12/05) Fabrication of baffle fishway in culvert barrel (14/12/05)

Construction of Solander Road prototype fishway for pipe culverts (Source: Ross Kapitzke)

Fishway Performance, January - April 2006

Rains during January – April 2006 have shown promising results on performance of the fishway. At least 5 species of fish have moved through the fishway during the creek flows, including eel-tailed catfish, purple spotted gudgeon, rainbowfish, glass perch and hardyhead. These species were observed in upstream habitats, where spawning and repopulation is now possible for the first time in 30 years since the Solander Road culvert was constructed.

Fishway operating in low flow conditions (29/01/06) Glass perch moving through offset baffle  fishway (28/1/06) Plotosid catfish moving through corner baffle fishway (09/04/06)
Fishway operating in low flow conditions (29/01/06) Glass perch moving through offset baffle fishway (28/01/06) Plotosid catfish moving through corner baffle fishway (09/04/06)

Prototype fishway in operation on University Creek (Source: Ross Kapitzke)

This project was developed with the generous support of these sponsors:

Townsville City Council

Supporting Creek to Coral - our waterways, our responsibility

Citiworks Townsville

NQ Water

Barro Group

Fishwatch Townsville

Queensland Government Department of Main Roads

Markwell Group

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